
#109 Add entry to suppressions via right click on warning

Manuel Renz

Add a feature to the plugin that allows you to right click on a warning and then add either a entry to the suppressions.xml or automatically add the CHECKSTYLE:OFF and ON flags to the code.

This would be really helpfull, cause you can commit this to your cvs and then the autmatically generated checkstyle reports on the buildserver (cruise-control/continuum) will respect this too.


  • Manuel Renz

    Manuel Renz - 2007-12-10

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    How do you handle contributed work? I'm willing to work on this. So if you are interessted to get this feature into your plugin let me know.

  • Lars Koedderitzsch

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Contributions are very welcome (especially as I am very short on time these days)! Your idea would probably make a nice addition to the plugin.
    Proceed as follows:
    1. Pull the plugin projects (CheckstylePlugin, CheckstyleStatsPlugin) from CVS (anonymous access as described here:
    2. Wade through the code, ask questions in the forum/dev mailing list if needed
    3. Attach your proposed changes to this tracker entry in form of a diff starting from project root (Team -> Create Patch...)
    4. I will apply the changes and review them
    5. When everything looks good I'll commit your changes to the repository, then they will be included in the next release

    Lars Ködderitzsch

  • Manuel Renz

    Manuel Renz - 2007-12-12

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    My boss suggested that this feature can be added to the quickfix popup. It think this is a better place caus it fits into the existing usability concept and does not introduce new GUI candy to the user.

    | [other quickfixes] |
    | |
    | Suppress warning for this line |
    | Suppress warning for this class/file |
    | Suppress warning for this package |
    | |

    What do you think about that?

  • Alexander Bellhäuser

    Hey Lars, hey Manuel,

    I know this ticket is like one decade old (it's exactly 10 years since last answer! :D) but I could really use this feature.

    Is there any progress on this? Otherwise I'll have a look at it.



    Last edit: Alexander Bellhäuser 2017-12-12

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