
how to disable "Summary Javadoc: xxx" rules? I have cleared all modules under Javadoc comments group

  • Allen

    Allen - 2015-06-04

    I removed all configured modules under "Javadoc comments" group,
    but I still get warning of
    Summary Javadoc: First sentence should be present.
    Summary Javadoc: Javadoc comment at column 24 has parse error. Missed HTML close tag 'inquirySearchBean'. Sometimes it means that close tag missed for one of previous tags. Missed HTML close tag 'inquirySearchBean'.

    my code are:

     * Processes a inquiry search query JSONString. It will convert the JSON to
     * a easy-to-read List<inquirySearchBean>

    List<inquirySearchBean> is not a html tag, and i want to ignore comments that didn't end with .

    But how to disable "Summary Javadoc: xxx" rules? looks it can't be removed.

  • Lars Koedderitzsch

    Hi, these warning are produced by the JavadocStyle check (

    Properties "checkFirstSentence" and "checkHtml" should allow you to customize its behaviour as required.


  • Allen

    Allen - 2015-06-04

    Thanks for your reply :-)

    i delted <module name="SummaryJavadocCheck"/> in my exported style xml file, and then import again, then all java doc warning gone

    i am just looking for an way to configure this plugin.


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