
Filter ECG Data?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Im receiving some SCP-ECG files that have a lot of "noise".
    ¿Is there a way to "filter" the data so the "noise" disappears?


    Best regards

  • MJB van Ettinger

    The absence of filters is a result of the fact that the ECG toolkit is developed as a very generic solution. The system can receive all kinds of ECG recordings.

    The issue with developing good filters is that you develop it for a specific situation. To support filters for all possible ECG recordings would be a lot of work. Besides this, my knowledge about diagnostic filters is to limited to implement one myself.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi MJB:

    Thanks for answering.
    I understand that its a lot of work.
    We are working with some Cardioline ar1200bt (SCP files) and in the paper they filter the data but they say that the SCP file should be sent without filtering. Its OK?
    We are reading a lot of documentation about filtering the data but still dont know where, how and what should apply to the code to get it whitout noise.

    Can you please help us?


    Best regards

  • MJB van Ettinger

    Most of the noise can be removed by proper applying of the electrodes, but at the hospital I used to work we once had a big issue with noise on one of our devices. It turned out that the Cart the machine was standing on added a lot of noise to the recordings and besides this some other equipment in the room added noise, once this cart was properly grounded most of the noise issues where gone.

    Back on the issue of applying filters on the SCP-ECG files. It is not uncommon for SCP-ECG files to contain either filtered or unfiltered data. The SCP-ECG standard actually contains a couple of fields to describe the applied filters on the data (the use of these fields however is rare).

    I do not have got any experience implementing filters. I could do some reading about the topic, but that would take a while.


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