
eLibrary / News: Recent posts

Where to go next

We are rapidly working on the next version, due early next month. It will address all the open bugs and features requests. And add some cool new features.
After that, there are many possible directions, we would like to hear you (our users), so please fill in our survey:

The eLibrary Team.

Posted by Amir Shaked 2010-03-16

Improved translation interface

For all those users who volounteered to translate eLibrary to other languages. We just set-up an account on
Where you can go and create the localization you offered

Posted by Amir Shaked 2009-12-29

SF blogged on eLibrary

Lee Schlesinger from Source Forge posted a blog on eLibrary:

Posted by Amir Shaked 2009-10-07

eLibrary SVN fixed

The corrupted SVN project was fixed.
Source code can once again be downloaded and compiled.

After checkout open the eLibrary solution under "eLibrary/Public Code" directory

Sorry for this issue.

Posted by Amir Shaked 2009-09-26

Version 2.5.10 released

The eLibrary Project is an eBook organizer with tagging and search capabilities.
It automatically downloads the book's cover image and info from the web, and displays them in a friendly user interface.

New version includes:
* Tabbed split UI allowing to view several books
* New concept: default file for book, so Shift+Double Click will open
the default viewer and DoubleClick will open the eLibrary book info.
* Books browsing according to authors and publisher
* More data retrieved and without limit
* Automatic book tagging via google books project
* MRU books and latest searches
* Easier tags managment vie drag&drop and shortcuts... read more

Posted by Amir Shaked 2009-09-25

eLibrary 2.5.8 released

The eLibrary Project is an eBook organizer with tagging and search capabilities.
It automatically downloads the book's cover image and info from the web, and displays them in a friendly user interface.

New version includes:
* Tabbed split UI allowing to view several books
* New concept: default file for book, so Shift+Double Click will open
the default viewer and DoubleClick will open the eLibrary book info.
* Books browsing according to authors and publisher
* More data retrieved and without limit
* Automatic book tagging via google books project
* MRU books and latest searches
* Easier tags managment vie drag&drop and shortcuts... read more

Posted by Amir Shaked 2009-09-20

eLibrary version 2.0.1 released

The eLibrary Project is an eBook organizer with tagging and search capabilities.
It automatically downloads the book's cover image and info from the web, and displays them in a friendly user interface.

New version includes several bug fixes.


Posted by Amir Shaked 2009-07-08

eLibrary SVN fixed

The corrupted SVN project was fixed.
Source code can once again be downloaded and compiled.

Posted by Amir Shaked 2009-07-08

eLibrary version 2.0.0 released

The eLibrary Project is an eBook organizer with tagging and search capabilities.
It automatically downloads the book's cover image and info from the web, and displays them in a friendly user interface.

New version includes:
* Bulk adding of books to the library
* Automatic files renaming
* Complete/Partial Library export (db and files)
* Tags updating via Drag & Drop
* Some UI changes to improve general usability
* Layout and tree expand mode save between sessions
* Web module for remote accessing your library... read more

Posted by Amir Shaked 2009-06-25

eBookLibrary version 1.3.2 released

The eBookLibrary Project is an eBook organizer with tagging and search capabilities.
It automatically downloads the book's cover image and info from the web, and displays them in a friendly user interface.

This is an important release for all those who failed to use the application under Vista Ultimate 64bit
Now it works!

Posted by Amir Shaked 2009-05-20

eBookLibrary version 1.3.1 released

The eBookLibrary Project is an eBook organizer with tagging and search capabilities.
It automatically downloads the book's cover image and info from the web, and displays them in a friendly user interface.

Updates include: ISBN guesser which scans the PDF, Search & Sort, better tags management, improved general usability and more bug fixes.

Current users: download and install the new version, your old DB will not be erased! ... read more

Posted by Amir Shaked 2009-05-16

Version 1.2.1 released

Added a search box, ISBN guesser
and some UI improvments

Posted by Amir Shaked 2008-12-11

Version 1.1.2 released

Added some more UI features & must-have,
(book info editing is now available).

Also fixed some bugs.

Posted by Amir Shaked 2008-12-02

Major update

Major changes where made.
Added an automatic directory monitor for eBooks.

Several bug fixes and a few new featues.

If you have used the previous version, I urge you to upgrade.

Posted by Amir Shaked 2008-11-29

Project is airborn

First stable version was released today.
This is version has all the basic needs to manage your book collection with an easily configured tags tree.

Posted by Amir Shaked 2008-11-26