rgbk - 2005-11-17

Hi all,
I have a new problem,
I send an email via my phone (MDA Cpmapct TMobile with wifi SD card) and my pop3 account receives the emil (I see it in the inbox via Squirrelmail) And within the hour, it has been emptied (ie Easymoblog has found it, and deltes it as it should) yet when i go to the blog nothing is shown.
Furthermore, the IMG and POSTS folders are 777 (all are correct permissions in fact)
Plus, when i post images via the admin, it works perfectly!

The problem i had with posting images via phone or admin and having the thumbnail creator malfunctioning (in my previos post) somehoe fixe itself. How does stufff like that happen! It makes me nervous because it might just break itself again.

Looking forward to comoblog but till then hope someone can help with this problem.

Thanks in advance,