
#5 Phpeclipse and apache configuration

version 1.2.1
Plugins (4)

I have installed easyeclipse 1.2.1 and phpeclipse-1.1.9.CVS-20060920 onto an Ubuntu 6.06.

I have installed xampp server, with apache2, php5, mysql.

I create a php project with a simple file index.php

When i run the project, i have got some problems.

In "Windows->preferences->php external tools->xammp"

i have two textbox :

- Xampp start : /opt/xampp/xampp start (it's my installation folder for xampp server)
- Xampp stop : /opt/xampp/xampp stop

Fisrt problem, when i run xampp start, in the console, i have :
"You need to start XAMPP as root!"

I tried to make this, with another installation of apache2 with apt-get install apache2, i work fine for another simple project in folder "/var/www"

But in esayeclipse,
In "Windows->preferences->php external tools->apache"
i have several options :

Start apache : -c "DocumentRoot "{0}""
Stop apache : -k shutdown
Restart apache : -k restart

apache : /etc/init.d/apache2
httpd.conf : /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
/etc/hosts : /etc/hosts

paths are rights!

but when i run with apache_start :

i have this error :

(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

I don't know if my configuration is right, if i forget anything something.




  • Francois Granade

    Logged In: YES
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    this "make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80" error probably means that:
    - either you have a server already running on port 80. Just open a browser to see if there's something answering on that port
    - or you don't have the administrative right (root, I would suppose) to start/stop Apache.

    In anycase, I don't think that EasyEclipse is the causing the trouble :-)

    good luck

  • Francois Granade

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  • SourceForge Robot

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