
EasyBMP Version 0.70 Released with New License

EasyBMP is an easy cross-platform C++ library for reading and writing Windows bitmap (BMP) files. No installation, no need for external libraries, small in size, well-documented, and simple enough for the novice programmer to start in just minutes! EasyBMP particularly shines as an easy image input/output tool for scientists and other technically-minded people who may not be formally trained in programming

EasyBMP is pleased to release Version 0.70 of the core library. This release focuses on fixing reported bugs, better compiler support, and a new, freer license. This release fixes a small bug in the BMP::ReadFromFile() function that prevented EasyBMP from detecting invalid bit depths. A previous code change that broke support for Microsoft's Visual C++ 6.0 has been reversed, so that MSVC++ is once again supported. Changes have been made to support Borland's C++ compiler without breaking support for MSVC++.

Perhaps most important in this release is a license change. Due to the complexities of the LGPL and the internal structure of EasyBMP, it was unclear as to whether the L in LGPL actually applied. In particular, it was unclear as to whether or not projects using the EasyBMP headers unwittingly inherited the GPL license. Therefore, we are changing to the simpler and freer revised BSD license. With this change, anyone may use, modify, or distribute EasyBMP without fear of licensing issues, including corporate users. Please note that the revised BSD license is fully GPL-compatible. It has always been our intention that EasyBMP be available to the largest class of users possible, and this license change should make that possible.

The EasyBMP Library Files Version 0.70 can be downloaded from SourceForge at

and release notes can be found here:

Additional support, documentation, code samples, and extensions can be found at the EasyBMP project website:

EasyBMP is grateful for the support and hosting services of We hope that others find EasyBMP as simple and effective as we do. Best wishes -- macklin01

Posted by Paul Macklin 2005-10-24

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