
Depressing color (sorry, but it's really getting to me)

  • Ethan "eekee" Azariah

    I just upgraded from 0.76 to 0.88. Mostly everything's fine, but I'm sensitive to color. The color of the background of the control view affects me in such a way that I find myself refraining from opening Eagle Mode where previously I used it without hesitation. How can I change it, please?

    Wir mussen wissen, wir werden wissen.

  • Oliver Hamann

    Oliver Hamann - 2015-03-13

    The colors can only be changed in the source code. For version 0.88.0, it is in src/emCore/emLook.cpp beginning at line 188. There, if you replace this:

    BgColor      (0x2A3F6BFF),
    FgColor      (0xD0D7D2FF),

    by this:

    BgColor      (0xAAAAAAFF),
    FgColor      (0x000000FF),

    and recompile the project, then you get the old colors you had with 0.76.

    • Ethan "eekee" Azariah

      Thank you, that was just what I needed. I made the background grey as formerly, but I made buttons blue on white, it's quite smart. (0x000088FF on 0xEEEEEEFF)

  • Mark McCorkle

    Mark McCorkle - 2015-03-13

    I'm not 100% certain, but I believe colors above are in hex, begin with 0x and ending with FF. If that is the case, you can probably pick any colors from a site like and put them in there with that format.

    So, if you wanted your BgColor to be a teal green color, it would be:
    BgColor (0x01AEA1FF),

    Also, let me know if you need any help compiling EagleMode. I've got experience compiling it in Ubuntu and CentOS.


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