
Column width in text renderer

  • Hiroe

    Hiroe - 2012-06-03

    I notice that (with a sane font size) the width of a column when rendering a text document is wider then my screen. So I have a choice of either zooming in to the point where half the screen isn't rendered or being able to see the entire column, but having a tiny unreadable font.

    If eagle mode knew the size of the windows, and set the column size so that you could zoom in far enough to read comfortably while still keeping all of it in view, that would be good.

  • Oliver Hamann

    Oliver Hamann - 2012-06-05

    Yes, the texts are shown as formatted in the file and are not broken by any column width.  I know it is a missing feature.

  • Zeniff

    Zeniff - 2012-06-09

    What I did was use the "fold" command line program and added a plugin to the FpPlugins directory.  Maybe you could call it emTmpConv_WrapLines.emFpPlugin . Would this do what you wanted? Mine is something like this:


    # Maybe you can change "file" to ".txt" if you want:
    FileTypes = { "file" }
    Priority = 0.08
    Library = "emTmpConv"
    Function = "emTmpConvFpPluginFunc"
    Properties = {
    fold \"$INFILE\" -spaces >> \"$OUTFILE\"

  • Oliver Hamann

    Oliver Hamann - 2012-06-09

    I still want to implement the line wrapping in the text viewer directly, so that no temporary conversion is needed. But until then, your plugin is a fine solution for anyone who wants to have line wrapping as an alternative view!

  • Zeniff

    Zeniff - 2012-06-13

    That's a great compliment! Thanks! :D  Hope I can learn more programming soon!


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