
dynamicgmf 0.2.1 (alpha) released

The release 0.2.1 of Reflective Ecore Model Diagram Editor is available. This release fixes a few major bugs related with inheritance hierarchy.

Reflective Ecore Model Diagram Editor is a GMF based Eclipse plugin which provides a graphical editor for any EMF model file, using only the meta-model such as .ecore and .xsd file. You don't need any .gmfgraph, .gmftool, .gmfmap, or .gmfgen files.

You can download from:

Reflective Ecore Model Diagram Editor is a diagram version of "Sample Reflective Ecore Model Editor" included in EMF. The diagram editor is still in a very early stage. The 0.2.1 release fixes a few major bugs related with inheritance hierarchy. In addition, "Initialize xmi_diagram diagram file" action is supported.

Changes since 0.2.0:
* Fixed Bug [1799465] The menu "Initialize xml_diagram diagram file"
appears in the context menu when right-clicking on .xml file, but it
does not work. An error occurs with the following message: "Unable
to load resource: platform:/resource/...".
* Implemented "Initialize xmi_diagram diagram file..." action.
* Fixed Bug [2823402] Can't make a containment/reference connection in
the case where the type of the target object is a sub-type of the
feature's type that the target is going to be added.
* Enhanced the modeling assitant popup menus so that an object can be
added correctly even if its class is involed in an inheritance
* Fixed Bug [2823401] Can't add an object to the diagram root element
in the case where the type of the object is a sub-type of the
containment feature's type that the object is going to be added.
* Fixed the following bugs:
* Abstract classes were included in the palette and the popup bar.
* A reference could not be connected with a target object whose
target feature's type was a super type of the source's type.

Posted by Koji Hashimoto 2009-07-28

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