
Silent Hunter III

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  • gho

    gho - 2015-03-29

    Sorry for the scarce progress lately....
    I see from the logs that the game never thinks he goes to a resolution greater than 1024x768, as you can see from log lines such as this:
    DXWND: set screen size=(1024,768)
    It only goes higher at 5760x1080 when it restores the previous desktop settings, but that doesn't count.
    It probably gets to higher resolutions (but without being aware of it) by means of the d3d9.dll hooker that is in the high resolution patch.
    But there's no way to make the two things work together. Furthermore, installing the widescreen patch, the game no longer works correctly. I think there's too much fuss about different hookers. Maybe DxWnd could take care to all matters (widescreen and high resolution) but only if used alone, and after having fixed several issues that still are present.
    I'll make some experiments about this.

  • gho

    gho - 2021-10-06

    After some (long) time I returned back on SH3 troubles. Here is a new configuration and some necessary tips, but the work is not finished yet ...
    Things to know:
    1) with this configuration and last DxWnd the game can be moved and stretched without any problem, also showing good quality fonts, but for some reason (yet to be investigated) it should start in a window whose size is identical to the initial emulated screen resolution. So, the fields in "Main / X & Y" must be identical to the fields in "Video / Initial resolution". The nice thing is that once started the mouse will work at whatever new stretched window size.
    2) the initial movies are rendered through some unknown codec and I couldn't (so far) stretch them properly, they always play at 800x600 resolution.
    3) the fake-fullscreen video modes seem to work correctly, also handling the "Keep aspect ratio" and "Hide background" flag. Very good!

  • Blueduck

    Blueduck - 2021-10-07

    Hi gho,

    many thanks for taking up this work again!
    Tryed both .dxw just pointing them to my sh3.exe.
    Both exports work the way as you described, where "Silent Hunter III.dxw" shows a window of 808x631 (including borders) and "Silent Hunter III (fake fullscreen).dxw" 1880x1410.
    Both window content is a excerpt of 1024x768 out of real 1920x1080 content.
    Scaling the window just scales this 1024x768 content.

    • gho

      gho - 2021-10-07

      So, now it's up to you: if you can mod the game to support a higher resolution (let's say 1920 x 1080) you should now set the initial screen resolution fields accordingly. Do not forget also that if you want to avoid screen stretching, then you should pick the "Main / Desktop" video mode instead of "Main / Desktop work area" (this way the Windows taskbar will disappear).

  • Blueduck

    Blueduck - 2021-10-07

    Yes, "Main / Desktop" (2560x1440) and "Main / Desktop work area" (2560x1410) behave as you say but I intend to have a window with a content of 1920x1080 so "X,Y coordinates" would be my choice.
    Anyway the real content ist still 1024x768 out of the lower left corner of a 1920x1080 FHD screen.
    Would it help to send you the d3d9.ll in .ini we use in the mod?
    I tried them as "alt.dll" with no effort.

    • gho

      gho - 2021-10-07

      I don't know how you exactly modded the game, but you can share the patch and I'll try to apply it. If the preliminary work is confidential (I bet it could be) you can upload a encrypted archive with strong password and send the password via PM.

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