
Here we are

So this is my brand new project. Well, our brand new project. Yes, because I've had the original idea, but a few friends have already helped me a lot in giving it a better shape. For italian speakers, the first message I sent about this project is here:
and the thread is quite a long one.

In a few words, this project aims at becoming the next killer app you all were waiting for.
Well, at least you all Debian newbies...

The basic idea is simple. When a Debian GNU/* user lands a page with unofficial debian packages (those not included in the official distro by default) and wants to download and install them, he/she has to edit his/her /etc/apt/sources.list by hand and copy a row or two into it from the web page he/she is viewing.
Then he/she has to launch apt (or aptitude, or dselect, or synaptic and so on) to actually download and install the package.

Now, if this could be done automagically by means of a single click on the web page, wouldn't it be amazing? Wouldn't you call this a killer app?

Enter DWAI.

Posted by Lucio Crusca 2006-03-02

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