
DVB T2 Research at University Level

  • V.Jeewa

    V.Jeewa - 2014-09-14

    Dear Oliver

    I have retired as a Broadcast Engineer at a local TV Station and moved to academic life at a University in Malaysia.

    I intend to do research into DVB and my main focus is on PAPR Reduction and codes especially LDPC.

    I have to submit a research proposal with a low cost budget of perhaps $10,000. I need your advice on the type of extra equipment which I can use with DVBT2-CSP . However even if the cost exceeds $10,000 ,the authorities may consider the proposal provided it is beneficial to the country.

    Thank you.


  • Oliver Haffenden


    As you know, the CSP itself is a simulation, and all that's required to run it is a computer and a licence for MATLAB (including a couple of toolboxes). Thanks to the work of Chrisvdw it's also possible to run it in the open-source Octave package.

    As for extra equipment, it really depends on what you want to do but there are a number of options within your budget.

    If you want to process and generate real-world signals, you could think about the gnuradio project and in particular the various hardware platforms that it supports. You should at least be able to use this to play out signals generated by the CSP. Note however that the CSP itself runs orders of magnitude slower than real-time.

    If you want to test receivers or carry out other experiments, there are several proprietary products, including PCI cards, that can be used to generate or receive DVB-T2 signals, as well as recording and playing back I/Q files.

  • V.Jeewa

    V.Jeewa - 2014-09-21

    Thank you.

    I have a problem now. I have bought a new laptop with Windows 8.1 and reinstalled DVBCSP and Matlab 2013a. However DVBCSP cannot run on it stating there is no compiler.There was no problem with previuous Windows version.

    I have tried to download Windows 7 SDK but the computer could not accept it. The Windows 8.1 can probably be downloaded but there is a notice that there is no compiler and that why I have hesitated to download. There are 2 another alternative which I am contemplating:

    a) Installing a separate C compiler

    b) Purchasing Windows Studio 2013 from Microsoft for download which states that it does have a compiler

    Therefore I need a direction now.


    The readout from the computer is as follows.

    Checking cfg directory
    Checking cfg_blocks directory
    Checking cfg_dvbt2cfg directory
    Checking cfg_dvbt2micfg directory
    Checking ch directory
    Checking ch_blocks directory
    Checking ch_dvbtch directory
    Checking ch_dvbtnoise directory
    Checking ch_dvbtpscen directory
    Checking libm directory
    Checking mex directory
    Checking lib directory
    Checking rbm directory
    Checking rx directory
    Checking rx_blocks directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blbasicl1decode directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blbdint directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blbdmap directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blcdint directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blcheatl1decode directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blcp directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2bldmap directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2bldmcells directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blfadapt directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blfextract directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blfreqdint directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blidcod directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blmiso directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blodcod directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blofdm directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blp1preamb directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blrotcondmap directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blrx directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2blsadapt directory
    Checking rx_dvbt2bltdint directory
    Checking rx_idealche directory
    Checking std directory
    Checking std_blocks directory
    Checking std_dvbt2std directory
    Checking sys directory
    Checking tx directory
    Checking tx_blocks directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2bbcdatagen directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blbbscramble directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blbint directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blbmap directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blcint directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blconrot directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blcp directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2bldatagen directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2bldmcells directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blfadapt directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blfbuild directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blfef directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blfreqint directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blicod directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2bll1gen directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blmadapt directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blmap directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blmiso directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blocod directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blofdm directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blp1preamb directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2blpaprtr directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2bltint directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2bltx directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2bltxsigauxgen directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2dynvvdatagen directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2itudatagen directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2midatagen directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2mil1gen directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2model2madapt directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2rawbbfiledatagen directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2tsdatagen directory
    Checking tx_dvbt2vvdatagen directory

    No supported SDK or compiler was found on this computer.
    For a list of supported compilers, see

    Error using mex (line 206)
    Unable to complete successfully.

    Error in compile_mex (line 63)

  • Oliver Haffenden


    This problem is not related to the CSP, it's simply about getting mex files to compile on Windows 8. You are more likely to get support on forums related to MATLAB than on here. If you google "MATLAB mex Windows 8" you'll find that you're not the first to have this problem and that others have managed to make it work. This is the first hit and suggests several things, including a link to this page.

    Good luck!

  • V.Jeewa

    V.Jeewa - 2014-09-22

    Thank you. I am following Matlab forum now


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