
#8 Option to return layout to default when shutting down


... related to the timeout option.


  • Chris Morris

    Chris Morris - 2007-04-16
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Chris Morris

    Chris Morris - 2007-04-19
    • priority: 7 --> 8
  • Michael Leuchtenburg

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    This would be particularly helpful on multi-user systems. I would like to have this setup:
    QWERTY at login screen - always, whether first boot, after logout, after a session has timed out and needs password to resume, after selecting switch user
    Dvorak when I am logged in and active
    QWERTY if some other user is logged in and active

    All that should matter is the user that is currently logged in (or whose desktop is being displayed, if multiple users are logged in). Run As should not change the layout around.

    Having this feature would make DVAssist the standard tool for Dvorak users on multi-user Windows boxes, I think, as I haven't seen any other tools that do this.

  • Chris Morris

    Chris Morris - 2008-06-11

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Thanks for the feedback, Michael. I do agree ensuring the non-Dvorak layout at the login screen would be a great addition. It's frustrated me for a while.

    But I haven't currently seen a problem with other people logging into separate accounts and having Dvorak as their layout. On my home machine, my wife can login (even with the Fast User Switching) and never has my Dvorak layout 'infect' hers. Could you tell me what you're seeing in a little more detail (steps to recreate)? What OS and other goodies like that?


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