
An advice for DupLichaSe version 0.1.57 users

An advice for DupLichaSe version 0.1.57 users

Since DupLichaSe's primary scan system is based on heuristics, there will be many situations in which this will fail.

I have come to find out that this failure is more prominent with compressed files, notoriously *.rar files that are split into two or more equal parts(sizes); usually have very similar binary structure.. This unfortunately fools DupLichaSe's hashing system... and it will most likely end up marking such files as the same.

In the wishlist for version 0.1.7, a full fledged binary comparator will be integrated such that after the scan, the user can have (even automatically) the files found to be rescanned by a binary system to give 100% and flawless assurance of Duplicate files based on binary content.


Be weary of tampering with files of the extension *.rar AND having the similar names except for numbering. . . fact, if you are unsure, DO NOT touch it... You may just remove it from DupScan by selecting the files -> Right Click -> Remove From DupScan

Thank you.

Posted by Ibrahim Timothy Onogu 2013-12-30 Labels: Help false positive

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