
could Dubedit do?

  • Keith Snyder

    Keith Snyder - 2013-05-12

    I just stumbled across Dubedit on SourceForge, looking for a video editor
    with a couple of capabilities that doesn't exist on the ones I have tried or
    use now. I screen-capture slow-moving events (forex charts) at a rate of
    2-4-5 fps, usually with no audio. This makes for much smaller file sizes
    than full frame rate video. However, when I take a small clip out of that
    small video and resave, the resulting file is much larger, because it gets
    saved at a higher frame rate. It would be nice to be able to end up with a
    file half the size if I remove half the content. Thr ability to draw lines
    on the video with mouse or pen tablet device would be nice as well. Just
    wanted to suggest it to you.

    Keith Snyder

    Houghton, MI

  • Giles

    Giles - 2013-05-18

    Thanks for having already commented DubEdit. I have been surprised because I had not yet initialized the forum.
    With DubEdit you will keep the full control on the frame rate. Though at a such a low rate the audio editing based on video frames has a limited precision.
    On the drawing aspects, at this time I have only developed 2 shapes (filled rectangle and ellipse). But you can draw what you want in a drawing tool (such as The Gimp) and import it as a PNG in DubEdit and place it where you want in the image (possibly at different places across the video).


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