
Multitracker support

  • Roadranger

    Roadranger - 2008-03-02

    Hi! I see someone already filed a "feature request" but I thought I'd share my experience. I just started using cTorrent on a WRTSL54GS router running OpenWRT Linux with a 40GB usb drive attached and my first try was OK but my second two wouldn't download. Both start to download fine on uTorrent on my PC. I finally figured out that cTorrent only tries the first tracker and in both cases that tracker wasn't accepting connections according to uTorrent's status display. I was able to edit the main tracker in torrent files (not easy at all!) and get them to download with cTorrent. It seems that many torrents these days are created with lists of trackers without the maker checking to see if the trackers are valid - so a client that only tries the first one isn't very useful :-( . True multitracker support may not be needed, maybe just step through the list of trackers until one responds correctly? Great program otherwise, especially with the YODCTCS GUI !

    • dholmes999

      dholmes999 - 2008-03-02

      I don't remember if I've mentioned this in the forums yet, but there is a workaround feature going into 3.3 which will allow manually specifying an alternate tracker at startup.

    • René Berber

      René Berber - 2008-07-02

      With version 3.3.2 the option -u <tracker url> seems to work (not only for creating torrent files).


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