Menu A break-through release for Datastream Pro

One of the most important core features required for the 1.0 release of Datastream Pro has now been implemented. This feature is a major break-though because it moves Datastream Pro from being a database browsing application with limited support for GUI based edits to being a powerful and easy to use graphically based database editor. Datastream Pro is a user friendly, 100% pure java, desktop application designed to interface to multiple RDBMS systems simultaneously. Easily browse and maintain data in your database, write queries and perform database entity maintenance.

The feature allows the user to add, edit and remove rows from their database tables with the simple click of a button. Data is validated before the updates are sent to the database which makes editing a faster process. Updates can be done one at a time or in a batch. Colours and other graphical clues are used to help the user keep track of changes as they are made.

The completion of this feature serves as a very encouraging boost to the Datastream Pro team. It takes us a significant step forwards on the way to 1.0.

Posted by Stephen Cowx 2004-11-05

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