
DSPAM-3.9.0-RC2 Released

The DSPAM team is happy to announce our first official release candidate!

It's called DSPAM-3.9.0-RC2 and is the first of the RC releases towards the full 3.9.0.

The source tarball can be downloaded from the downloads section at SourceForge [1].

If you are running any of the older BETA or ALPHA releases then you can just upgrade to RC2. There are no compatibility issues compared to older ALPHA or older BETA releases. Users using DSPAM 3.8.0 or older can upgrade to DSPAM 3.9.0 RC2 by following the steps mentioned in the UPGRADING file.

A detailed changelog is available in the downloads section on our Sourceforge project space. It's also available inside the tarball.

Most changes are bug fixes, stability enhancements or enhancements to the documentation. The biggest feature change compared to BETA4 is the removal of OSB for PValue. If you use this feature then please revert it back to something else after/before applying RC2. The inclusion of OSB for PValue was to early. We still need to invest some time/coding to get OSB for PValue right.

The other functional change is that we added "Virus" to TrackSources, allowing you to keep track of virus infected mails.

Other new features in RC2 are the various new translated templates for the Web UI.

We almost forgot. We included the whole contrib directory this time with DSPAM (including such nice things like Spam/Ham functions for Thunderbird, Spam/Ham functions for IBM Lotus Notes and a shell script helping you to keep daily maintenance of DSPAM as automatic as possible). Please keep in mind that those files in the contrib directory are NOT officially supported by the DSPAM community project. If you fill in bug reports or feature requests in our tracker regarding the contrib directory then don't expect us to be able to act on them as fast as we do for the DSPAM core project.

Please download RC2 and test it in your environment and let us know about your success or failure.

Should there not be any big issues then we are aiming to release DSPAM around new year.

Our mailing lists and the bug tracker are happy to help you out if you run into some problems.

The DSPAM Team


Posted by Stevan Bajic 2009-12-17

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