
#108 Quarantine won't deliver mail

webui (31)
Glen Thorne

When using virtual users (default data storage at /usr/local/var/dspam/data), the <username>.mbox file gets created with either a simple NL or a CR+NL end of line marker. This causes the dspam.cgi script to not identify messages properly and fails to process the mbox file. I have added a few lines of simple code to remove the CRs in the lines and this has resolved the problem. I will upload the file and you can run a diff on it to see the change.


  • Glen Thorne

    Glen Thorne - 2010-05-12


  • Stevan Bajic

    Stevan Bajic - 2010-08-17

    Hallo Glen,

    thanks for reporting this issue. Looking at the file you attached I see that it must be from a old DSPAM release. Right? Can you tell me what version of DSPAM you got that dspam.cgi from?

    In your header I see:
    # $Id: dspam.cgi,v 1.26 2006/06/01 19:14:14 jonz Exp $

    While our current dspam.cgi has:
    # $Id: dspam.cgi,v 1.55 2010/08/03 12:52:06 sbajic Exp $

    You can get the latest DSPAM web-UI from GIT or using HTTP and the following link:;a=tree;f=webui;hb=HEAD

    I don't know if the error with the quarantine MBOX is fixed with the newest edition of the web-UI? It's hard to see what you have changed when I don't know what version you used as base for your changes. I think you added "chomp" to ProcessFalsePositive, Quarantine_ManyNotSpam, Quarantine_ViewMessage, Quarantine_DeleteSpam and DisplayQuarantine. And you added a "s/\r//g;" to CheckQuarantine. Can this be? Could you not post a diff file or attach the original file too so that I can compare what you have added?

    Would be great if you could try the Web-UI from 3.9.1 or from GIT and tell me if you have the same issue with the new Web-UI?

  • Stevan Bajic

    Stevan Bajic - 2010-08-17
    • milestone: 908789 --> v3.6.8
    • assigned_to: nobody --> sbajic
  • Stevan Bajic

    Stevan Bajic - 2010-08-22
    • status: open --> pending
  • Stevan Bajic

    Stevan Bajic - 2010-08-22

    Hallo Glen, had you the chance to test if the GIT version still has this issue? Since I expect this to be an issue with the old 3.6.8 edition of DSPAM and since we have made so many changes after 3.8.0 I expect this issue to not be present in 3.9.0/3.9.1 or latest GIT. I am now going to set the status of this bug report to pending. Please respond in two weeks or this bug report is going to be automatically closed by the Sourceforge bug tracking system.

  • SourceForge Robot

    This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
    previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
    did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
    the administrator of this Tracker).

  • SourceForge Robot

    • status: pending --> closed

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