
Play on IGS ?

  • Richard Christophe

    It would be very interesting to play on IGS with Nintendo DS. Actually i've just found one game to play go online : Wifi Taiou Gensen Table Game but it's only in japanaese and without enough players. I suppose (but haven't try) it's possible to play on IGS with DSLinux and telnet but not very easy.

    Is it in your project to implement IGS Game ?


    • Nicolas

      Nicolas - 2008-02-09


      Yes, it would be interesting to be handle go servers interfaces like IGS or DGS...

      I'll add this to the feature list, but handling variations and joseki dictionary is more urgent at this time ! ^^

      Thanks for your interest.


    • Raven Corvus

      Raven Corvus - 2008-02-19

      I'd like to help out if I can - I'll do an svn co tonight and take a look at the code if that's cool. :)

      • Nicolas

        Nicolas - 2008-02-20

        The code is badly written and documented at this time, but I'm rewriting it for easy maintenance and evolution...

    • Raven Corvus

      Raven Corvus - 2008-02-21

      Let me know when it's ready - I'm definitely interested.

    • Richard Christophe

      Finally i've created a new project to develop an  IGS client for Nintendo DS : DiSigo. It's a port of free C++/FLTK software ViZigo. The sources are available on



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