
Wish List

  • AmenRa

    AmenRa - 2005-09-13

    First, let me congraduate the team for a VERY FINE product. I really find DRUID very useful.

    I have a few feature requests and improvement suggestions:

    1. WEBSITE
    Please, update the website with the documentation! For advance people it's OK, but for new comers it may be problematic.

    2. Improve the editor
    The editor is a bit awkward. It's difficult to get the formating correct. The List Item feature is good example of a problem . I don't use it and number stuff myself. The font size not reverting back is another example of a problem. If I highlight an item, change the font size and then move the cursor to another area, the font size doesn't change to the correct font size at the cursor locationr. What you have to do is RESET the font size to the correct font size and THEN change the font size. Kind of a pain.

    3. Data Sampling View Tab at the table level.
    When viewing a table, it would be nice to have a Data Tab (when connected to the DB) to view sample data. Perhaps even permit the user to set the sample data SQL statement by table in the sampling tab.

    4. Separate tab for indexes.
    I'm not too keen on the way druid handles index definition. I would prefer a seperate tab BY TABLE where you can define each index, name, and components. Perhaps a collapsable tree structure that looks like this:
    + { INDEX Name }
    - { INDEX Name }
    |--- Field name, field info, field info
    |--- Field name, field info, field info

    with the ability to change the ordering of the items in the index.

    5. E/R View Tabs at the table level.
    The location of the E/R view tab is awkward. It would be nice to ALSO have the ability to link an E/R tab at the table level back to a E/R Item in the E/R list. This is, just add an E/R tab at the table and have a drop down list that permits the user to "link" the table to one of the E/R views. Its really just a SHORT CUT to the E/R view. The tab should also DISPLAY the E/R view.

    6. A FOLDER option to include/exclude it in the generation.
    There should be a FOLDER option to include or exclude (i.e check box) this folder in the BUILD. Why? well, a developer usually groups stuff under 'Development', 'Testing' and 'Production' folders. If you do a generation, you may not want to include certain folders.

    If you REALLY want to get fancy, allow Generation at the folder level. That way, I can generate from any folder so I can check the information. To do this, you would need to have a check box that says this is a generation folder, then add the Generation Tab (like at the DB level) and allow the user to specify the Modules.

    Well, that's my wish list at the momement. Keep up the great work!

    • Andrea Carboni

      Andrea Carboni - 2005-09-14

      Many thanks, your help is greatly appreciated.



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