
DrJava / News: Recent posts

DrJava Development Release 20080717

Available for download at This development release includes a complete, transparent workaround for "cannot read zip file entry" errors occurring when Windows exe users attempt to compile using javac 1.6.0_04+. The workaround removes drjava.exe from the class path and replaces it with a temporary junit.jar file.

To help the DrJava development team determine which platforms users are currently running on, this release includes a simple system configuration survey, which appears on initial startup.... read more

Posted by Dan Smith 2008-07-17

Latest Development Release Removed

Due to problems in the new interpreter that was introduced in January 2008, the latest development release has been removed from DrJava's main page. It is still available through SourceForge:

Posted by Mathias Ricken 2008-07-08

DrJava Development Release Update: 20080415

An update to last week's development release has been posted. This release packages the OS X application as a tar/gzip archive rather than a zip archive, due to reports of file-permission problems on some systems. It also includes an automatic update-checking facility.

Posted by Dan Smith 2008-04-15

Workaround for Windows compiler bug

As noted earlier, a bug in JDK 1.6.0_04 and 1.6.0_05 breaks compilation in the Windows exe app. The bug has been reported to Sun, but they have thus far been unresponsive. As a workaround, the most recent Developer Release does not include the Windows exe app on the class path when compiling with one of the affected JDK versions. As a result, Windows exe users compiling JUnit tests will need to download junit.jar and place it on their class path. Hopefully this is a temporary workaround, and Sun will respond with a bug fix in a future JDK update.... read more

Posted by Dan Smith 2008-04-11

DrJava Development Release 20080411

A new Development Release has been posted, with an improved facility for running external processes and partial support for JUnit 4.4. It incorporates a number of bug fixes and performance improvements. One noteworthy change is a workaround for a bug in JDK 1.6.0_04 which was not allowing compilation in the Windows exe app. Note: the project file format has been improved; projects saved with this version will be incompatible with previous DrJava versions.

Posted by Dan Smith 2008-04-11

Warning: Windows JDK 1.6.0_04 incompatibility

A number of users have reported that compilation will not work when using the DrJava ".exe" application in Windows with JDK 1.6.0_04 and 1.6.0_05. Attempting to compile will result in a "cannot read zip file entry" compiler error.

We've identified the problem as a bug in javac (it won't permit including the "drjava....exe" file on the compilation class path). We've reported the bug to Sun and are awaiting a response. In the mean time, the following workarounds are available to affected users (choose one):... read more

Posted by Dan Smith 2008-03-10

Development Release with New Interactions Pane

A Development Release has been posted which includes a major update to the Interactions Pane interpreter. The Interactions now fully supports generics and inference, and a variety of interpreter bugs have been eliminated.

Posted by Dan Smith 2008-01-24

DrJava: Problems with 20080106-0744 Stable Version Fixed

DrJava is a lightweight programming environment for Java designed to foster test-driven software development. It includes an intelligent program editor, an interactions pane for evaluating program text, a source level debugger, and a unit testing tool.

There appeared to have been a problem with the files that were uploaded for the 20080106-0744 stable version that prevented DrJava from being run when downloaded from some servers.... read more

Posted by Mathias Ricken 2008-01-16

New Stable Release

We just posted a new stable release, drjava-stable-20080106-0744. It is based on the beta release from December 2007, but also includes several new improvements made since then.

[ 1815387 ] Editor should discard parse errors
[ 1857120 ] Main Document not created.

Posted by Mathias Ricken 2008-01-06

New Beta Release on December 20, 2007

We just released a new beta release. It includes several bug fixes found in the previous stable release, as well as new features.

- Drag-and-drop for Java files. Files from Windows Explorer, MacOS Finder, and Nautilus on Linux (other file browsers not tested) can be dragged and dropped into DrJava.
- Connecting to a running DrJava instance to open files in an that instance. Can be used to integrate DrJava with external tools.
- 'Show Javadoc for Class' does not require internet access to build the list of class names anymore.
- 'Automatic import' dialog to the Interactions Pane. If an undefined class is encountered, the dialog will display all standard Java API classes and most user classes and let the user select one or an entire package. DrJava will then import that class or package and re-execute the erroneous line.... read more

Posted by Mathias Ricken 2007-12-21

New Stable Release

DrJava is a lightweight programming environment for Java designed to foster test-driven software development. It includes an intelligent program editor, an interactions pane for evaluating program text, a source level debugger, and a unit testing tool.

A new stable release has been posted, drjava-stable-20070828-1759. It is based on the previous beta, but is now distributed under the BSD license.... read more

Posted by Mathias Ricken 2007-08-29

DrJava Beta Release (20070804)

A new beta release has been posted, containing an improvement to the auto-detection of the Java 6.0 compiler.

Posted by Mathias Ricken 2007-08-04

DrJava Beta Release (20070524)

A new beta release has been posted, containing several bug fixes and performance improvements.

Posted by Mathias Ricken 2007-05-24

DrJava Stable Release (20070130)

A new stable release has been posted, containing bug fixes, performance improvements, and support for renaming files.

Posted by Dan Smith 2007-01-31

Eclipse Plug-in Released

A new build of the Eclipse plug-in has been posted. It should address compatibility issues present in previous versions. It also incorporates bug fixes and other changes made in main DrJava code since the last plug-in release.

Posted by Dan Smith 2006-10-30

3rd Stable Update Posted

A third update to the stable release has been posted. It includes a handful of bug fixes in response to feedback from users.

Posted by Dan Smith 2006-10-25

2nd Stable Update Posted

A second update to the stable release has been posted. It includes fixes for a few recently-reported bugs.

Posted by Dan Smith 2006-09-18

Update to Stable Posted

An update to the stable release has been posted, with fixes to bugs reported by DrJava users. Notably, the "Javadoc" command has been fixed.

Posted by Dan Smith 2006-08-21

New Stable Version Available

The latest stable release includes a number of major improvements to DrJava. Highlights include new document navigation features, improved search for "tools.jar" (the JDK), breakpoints persistent accross sessions, and automatic management of the Interactions pane's working directory.

Posted by Dan Smith 2006-08-15

Third Beta Available as a Stable Candidate

A third beta has been posted. It mostly consists of bug fixes; it is being considered as a candidate for stable release.

Posted by Dan Smith 2006-07-31

Second Beta Released, Adding "Find All"

A second beta, with changes from Spring Semester, plus some minor new fixes, documentation updates, and a "Find All" feature, has been posted.

Posted by Dan Smith 2006-06-12

Beta from Spring Semester Released

A beta with improvements developed in Rice's Comp 312 over the semester has been released. It includes a number of changes in a variety of areas, including document navigation, batch processing, large project management, and debugging.

Posted by Dan Smith 2006-05-11

Development Release with Numerous Bug Fixes

A new development release incorporates a number of bug fixes and other subtle improvements to the application.

Posted by Dan Smith 2006-04-20

Broken Windows App Fixed

If you've downloaded the latest Development Release Windows application (version 20060407), you probably noticed that it was corrupted. That broken file has been replaced with a new, fixed copy.

Posted by Dan Smith 2006-04-11

Development Release with Persistent Breakpoints

The latest development release includes improvements to the debugger breakpoints, allowing them to be persistent between debugging sessions, saved to a project file, and deactivated temporarily. It also includes bug fixes and improvements to the project facility.

Posted by Dan Smith 2006-04-07