
#511 Java 6 compiler not found

3: Ugly

I installed Java 6 beta 2 on top of Java 5 (1.5.0_07)
on a windows XP box. When I launch DrJava after that,
the compiler output tab says "no compiler available",
as does the compiler popup menu at the bottom right of
the screen. I can't find any way to select the 6.0
compiler or to revert to 5.0. It ought to at least be
possible to select Java 5 if it is installed,
particularly to advise over-eager students who install
the Java 6 beta and then can't get DrJava to work.


  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2006-07-06
    • priority: 5 --> 9
  • Robert Cartwright

    Logged In: YES

    Try downloading the latest Java 6.0 Mustang build at (91 is the latest
    build as I type this response but new builds are continually
    being released) and running DrJava using that build. The
    programmatic interface to the compiler recently changed and
    is incompatible with the interface in earlier builds. I have
    not tested the DrJava using the beta 2 release but I have
    tested it on a variety of Mustang builds (most recently
    builds 87 and 89) from which the beta 2 release was
    derivieed. I had to change the programmatic interface
    (which worked with early builds of Java 6.0) to make it work
    with build 87. If the beta 2 release is significantly older
    than build 87, it will not work. We obvsiously have no
    plans to support obsolete builds of Java 6.0.

    I cannot test Mustang builds this week because I am away
    from Houston and my laptop is a MacBook.

    -- Corky

  • hperkins

    hperkins - 2006-07-21

    Logged In: YES

    As suggested, I tried this again after installing the latest
    build (b92). Everything seems to work fine, although the
    compiler popup menu still does not show any way to select
    the (still) installed Java 5 compiler. Java 6 is the only
    one listed.

    Only one other thought: depending on the timing of the next
    version of DrJava vs. Sun's release of Java 6, it might be
    worth including something about this in the DrJava release
    notes so people will know to download the latest beta if
    they really want to use Java 6.


  • Robert Cartwright

    Logged In: YES

    Running the Java 5.0 compiler in a Java 6.0 JVM is a
    delicate proposition that may not work. We have not
    actually tried it, but we have had problems when
    experimenting with running an older version of the compiler
    (namely Java 1.4) on a newer JVM (Java 1.5/5.0). In such a
    situation, the "command line" arguments passed to javac must
    tell javac to use a version of rt.jar compatible with the
    compiler version instead of the version of rt.jar being used
    to load the code for javac itself. Running a program that
    references two different versions of rt.jar is a
    complication that we would prefer to avoid if possible.

    -- Corky

  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2006-07-23
    • priority: 9 --> 5
  • Dan Smith

    Dan Smith - 2006-07-31

    Logged In: YES

    See bug [1463741] for a discussion on using the 1.4 compiler while running
    DrJava under 5.0.

  • Robert Cartwright

    • status: open --> closed

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