
#358 Mathematical evaluation


Entering: (10+(2*3))*(2^(1+2))
into the interaction window gives the faulty result of '16'
when it should be 128. This is quite likely due to the
statement being incorrectly parsed in terms of

I ran across an identical error writing a calculator
program. In parsing the statement in broke the
statement down recursively and was then attempting to
evaluate (1+2)). This evaluated to 0 instead of three,
causing the entire statement to evaluate incorrectly to

I fixed this in my own program by carefully rewriting the
loop that counted parenthesis as so:

This loop ensured that inner items were processed first.
In doing so it kept a count of how many parenthesis it
had passed, +1 for a left paren, and -1 for a right
paren. Having the imbalance in the expression, that is
one left paren and two right paren's messed up the
count, and the inner expression 1+2 was never
evaluated, but returned '0'.

This bug is visible in the interactions pane, as well as a
System.out.println command in an actual java class.


  • Jonathan Lugo

    Jonathan Lugo - 2004-12-27
    • status: open --> closed
  • Jonathan Lugo

    Jonathan Lugo - 2004-12-27

    Logged In: YES

    In C, C++, and Java, the ^ operator is not an "exponent"
    operator like in some other languages. Rather, this
    operator is a "bitwise exclusive OR."

    For example:
    3[decimal] = 0011[binary]
    2[decimal] = 0010[binary]
    then (3 ^ 2)[decimal] = (0011^0010)[binar] = 0001[binary] =
    1[decimal], since the right-most bit is the only bit in
    which the two operands differ.

    To evaluate the exponent in Java you must use the Math
    library. E.g. Math.pow(2,3) = 8.0.


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