
#184 Debugger unusually sluggish in new releases

Debugger (52)

I am trying to run the new development releases
drjava-20030613-1720.jar and drjava-20030617-2059.jar
on my office machine, which is a 733 MHz Windows 98
machine running JDK 1.4.1_03. When I select Debugger,
Debug Mode from the menu bar at the top, DrJava is slow
about bringing up the debugger pane (15 seconds).
Running a small program with a breakpoint on the second
line seems to hang indefinitely.

The last stable release (drjava-stable-20030313.jar) is
sluggish but useable: 1 second to start the debugger
window, and 14 seconds to reach the breakpoint on the
second line of my program.


  • Charles Reis

    Charles Reis - 2003-06-18

    Logged In: YES

    Would it be possible for you to try one of the newer
    releases on a machine without Novell networking? We have
    never observed this sluggishness, but we also don't have any
    machines with Novell to test on. I'm interested to see if
    you get the same results.

    (The debugger actually has changed quite a bit between the
    previous stable release and the newer development releases--
    the newer versions allow users to use the interactions pane
    at a breakpoint, with all of the context of the suspended
    thread available. This extra communication between the
    debugger and the Interactions JVM might have significant
    overhead in Novell...?)


  • Dave Musicant

    Dave Musicant - 2003-06-19
    • priority: 5 --> 2
  • Dave Musicant

    Dave Musicant - 2003-06-19

    Logged In: YES

    Finding any machine on campus without Novell is amazingly
    enough a nearly impossible task. One of my students is
    currently looking for a deadbeat machine with similar specs
    to mine that he can use to start with a fresh install of
    Windows 98. We will do this when we can, but we are going to
    classify it as low priority as my students are busy
    preparing our Windows XP machines for next week. I
    reprioritized this bug accordingly.

  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2008-01-18
    • status: open --> closed

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