
#23 Ignore Changes based on File Name or Directory

visual studio often create a temporary file (such as
~sakcc4d724501c41d63.tmp) in the project root and
then immediatly deletes it. I assume this is to check it's
allowed to write to the SS database.

Please could you add an option to ignore by filename (so
that you could add ~sak*.tmp to the ignore list)


  • Michael Ferrante

    Logged In: YES

    Norman -

    Visual SourceSafe 6.0c makes these sak files but it is some
    kind of bug. SourceSafe 6.0d corrects the problem.

    SourceSafe 6.0d is a free upgrade from 6.0c, part of VS
    Studio.NET 2003 and is also in the Visual Studio 6.0 sp6.
    All users of the sourcesafe database would have to be
    upgraded to the new client.

    However having an ignore changes based on file name would
    be a good idea anyway.


  • Michael Ferrante

    Logged In: YES

    Note: similar request to RFE [ 931704 ]

  • Michael Ferrante

    • milestone: 254114 -->
  • Norman Rasmussen

    Logged In: YES

    This _is_ RFE [ 931704 ]

    btw: I have been using VSS 6.0d since your reply and
    VisualStudio.Net 2003 still insists on creating these temp files.

  • Michael Ferrante

    • milestone: --> 415872
    • priority: 5 --> 7
    • assigned_to: nobody --> michaelferrante
  • Michael Ferrante

    Logged In: YES

    Norman -

    Well it really should work, only that *all* machines that do
    checkins would need to be upgraded to Visual SourceSafe
    6.0d. Would be good idea to do build box too, everything...

    Which ever machine did the checkin of the ~sak file is the
    machine that needs to be changed over to Visual SourceSafe
    6.0d, it really should fix the problem. We had many of those
    at my workplace and only after we finally got all the machines
    upgraded to VSS 6.0d did it all go away.

    That said, the feature is worthy of consideration and we can
    do it in the new 1.6 line of development.


  • Michael Ferrante

    Logged In: YES

    Merging in the RFE from another ticket also:

    [ 811657 ] Exclude a file or whole directory from monitoring
    We have a VSS database which stores our source code
    but also stores our binary-deliverables (dll's, configfiles,
    helpfiles, msi's, ...).

    After draco has build the whole project by starting a
    NAnt build process we've got those new binaries as
    result of this new build. We want to check them in into
    VSS, but then draco will rebuild the whole project with
    again new binaries as result. You see, this is a never
    ending story.

    What we actually want to see in config file is
    an exclude tag for files and/or directories that will not be
    monitored by Draco.Net. I don't know whether this is
    possible but it's certainly a powerfull feature in the
    building process.

  • Michael Ferrante

    • milestone: 415872 -->
    • priority: 7 --> 8
    • summary: ignore changes based on file name --> Ignore Changes based on File Name or Directory
  • Michael Ferrante

    • priority: 8 --> 9

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