
DougDocX / News: Recent posts

DougDocX Version 2.3 Released

DougDocX version 2.3 (and its companion DdxReports version 2.3) is now available. Fixes have been made to allow operation with the 3.x series of OpenOffice/LibreOffice, with Java 5 and Java 6, and with Tomcat 5.5 and Tomcat 6.

Posted by J.D. 2012-09-22

DougDocX 2.2b Released

DougDocX 2.2b has been released. A DougDocX user brought to our attention that the DougDocX 2.2 release was having a missing library error while using Tomcat. Tomcat was not able to find the DdxReports jar in the tomcat_root/common/lib/ folder. The new release includes the DdxReports jar file in the war file.

If you have downloaded the in order to correct the error, download the and replace the war file in tomcat_home/webapps/ folder with the one found in the

Posted by Sean Seltzer 2006-12-28

DougDocX 2.2 and DdxReports1.0 Released

DougDocX2.2 has been vastly improved over the previous revisions. DougDocX now uses the DdxReports library as it's core OpenOffice code. This library is included in the war and is available as it's own download as DdxReports on Source Forge. Updated methods allow for increased reliability while connecting to OpenOffice along with code to prevent stalled requests and switch to other nodes while in a clustered environment, in the event of a hang in OpenOffice. Streaming methods have been improved for input and output of documents while on disk file delivery is still provided and supported. Many improvements have been made to avoid and contain errors such as checking the template to see if a requested form fill item exists. New servlets and jsp pages have been written to provide easy interfaces to the file structure of the server (with limitations to the relevent DougDocX folders), the ability to automatically generate XML files which reduce error and the sometimes tedious work. All jsp and java classes have been revised for errors and many of the source files have been reformatted for ease of reading and manipulation.... read more

Posted by Sean Seltzer 2006-12-01

DougDocX 2.1Released

What's new with DougDocX 2.1

A bug was found and corrected where a user that used DougDocX through IE would not
be able to upload a file correctly. It would write the full path of the uploaded file
as the filename.

A bug was found and corrected when running DougDocX on linux where file lists were not sorted.

Added support for input stream as well as commented test code in and read more

Posted by Sean Seltzer 2006-08-15

DougDocX 2.0 Released

DougDocX 2.0 has been released!
The includes: all documentation detailing how to set up DougDocX, the dougdocxmodel.war file which contains all of the required files, the customizable file, and the database connectivity and setup files.
There is also a simple setup guide included on the Source Forge \"Docs\" section, and six screenshots that preview DougDocX. If there are any questions or concerns post on the Source Forge DougDocX forum and they will be addressed as soon as possible.

Posted by Sean Seltzer 2006-07-31