
Better description of this product?

  • Shawn

    Shawn - 2012-09-28

    Is there somewhere that explains DougDocX more clearly? Specifically, what problem it's trying to solve, etc.

    I have a feeling this *might* be useful to us, but I am not at all clear on what is meant by "generate documents from web forms based on OpenOffice templates".

    * Does this take online web forms and turn them into OOo documents?
    * Does this *create* web forms based on OOo templates?
    * Or does this create some kind of document based (somehow) on a combination of an online web form and an OOo template? If so, what is the purpose/need of that end-document?

    Thanks :-)

  • J.D.

    J.D. - 2013-10-06

    This belated response probably won't help Shawn, but his questions are good, and hopefully the answers will help others.

    DougDocX does all of the things that Shawn describes.
    All this is better described in the Setup.pdf and training.pdf documents in the DougDocx zip file that you download.

    The normal sequence is:
    1. A document designer prepares an OpenOffice (or LibreOffice) document template. The designer puts in user defined fields in the template where they want values to be filled in on a web form.
    2. The document designer logs into DougDocX and uploads the new template to the web server. Of course, the dougdocx war file must have been installed on Tomcat or some other Java application server so that the document can be uploaded.
    3. The document designer then uses a tool in DougDocX that parses through the template to find user defined fields and creates a raw web form (actually, an XML file with the same name as the document). The designer then enhances that using web pages within DougDocX to provide the appropriate hints, labels, etc, and saves the updated xml file.

    Now, the document and its web form are ready for use. An end user just logs into DougDocX, selects the template of interest, fills out the web form, and clicks submit. The final document is then delivered to the end user's workstation, where they can save or print it. The format to be delivered can be selected to be OpenOffice or Word depending on what the end user has installed on their workstation, or it can just be a PDF so that the user doesn't have to have any office suite installed.

    Again, this is better described in the materials in the DougDocX download zip file.


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