
Keeping IK

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is it possible to keep IK setup when exporting to XSI?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      the IK solvers in MAX and XSI are very different.
      So IK animation made in MAX then brought to XSI will look totally different.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Bones in XSI are simply vectors, listed in SI_FCurve sections.

      Bones seems to be exporting incorrectly.

      i.e. we have two bones A and B 100 pt each, connected in [0,0,0].

      it seems transformations are not correct.
      export gives us relative positions, but we need absolute positions.
      At[0,-100,0], Bt[0,100,0]
      it must be
      At[0,-100,0], Bt[0,0,0] (as it starting from [0,0,0])

      also angles are wrong

      How to fix it? I have the source. What section of code? I tried to fix, but can't get correct animation ( in viewer).


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