
Load and LoadEx

  • Wyz

    Wyz - 2008-11-03


    First I'd like to thank you for this utility. It is very useful and easy to use.

    I submited the 2 bugs for lostpedia, I did'nt know it came from the wiki installed on it and not from the famework.

    I'd like to know the difference between Load() and LoadEx(). If I understood correctly Load() use the server response (the same as the one used by the web browser) and LoadEx() use a xml file returned by the server.

    Am I right ?

    Best regards.

    • CodeDriller

      CodeDriller - 2008-11-03

      Yes, you are absolutely right. Load() function gets the raw wikitext from server:

      And LoadEx() gets all page properties including wikitext in XML format, it's somewhat slower, because XML parsing is required:

    • Wyz

      Wyz - 2008-11-18


      They didn't find out yet on lostpedia but I followed your advice : I modified the Load() function of the framework to do a trimStart on the loaded text. It now works great.

      Best regards.

      • CodeDriller

        CodeDriller - 2008-11-18

        I'm glad to hear that.

        Good luck!


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