
Release 0.7.7 (beta2) coming soon...

Release 0.7.7 (beta2) coming soon...

Another beta2 release is on it's way. There have been some more breaking changes as I try to stabilize the structure of the framework. I debated for a while as to how to handle this, but came to the ultimate conclusion that the attribute based TestCase class did not belong in the *core* of the framework, but rather as an extension to the framework. So as of next release, there will be two sub-projects maintained under the .NETUnit project: the Framework itself and the MetaUnit extension.

The MetaUnit extension is now the piece that actually enables the attribute only unit test creation. The framework itself now has only provides the plumbing, as was intended. This way, the framework stays generic, containing only the fundamental pieces which can then be extended by other projects like MetaUnit.

More details will unfold as I prepare to roll out the next release, but if your interested and know your way around CVS, please feel free to take a look at the source tree[1].



Posted by Drew Marsh 2001-12-11

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