
dotproject mods / News: Recent posts

New translations for 2.0 available on

Translations are now listed on in a new, easier to manage file manager. This makes it easier for users to find their translations and for translators to maintain them. Translations for 2.0 will only be available on

Posted by Adam Donnison 2005-04-09

Swedish and Norwegian languages now available

There are now two more languages added to the list, Swedish and Norwegian. Thanks to the translators for this work. If you'd like to be a translator, just start translating! Using System Admin -> Translation Management you can easily create a new translation, then send us the locales files created and we can add your language to the growing list of supported languages.

Posted by Adam Donnison 2005-03-17

dotProject2.0 Beta Program Has Commenced

Please visit us at for details.

Posted by Karen Chisholm 2005-03-12

Bug Reports & Feature Requests on

Please note all bug reports (existing and if you wish to lodge a new report) are now on

We are in the process of transferring feature requests as well.

Posted by Karen Chisholm 2004-08-02

HelpDesk module now released

The HelpDesk module, the contender as replacement for the aging Ticketsmith, is now released as a module. Download from the usual links and install in the modules directory of your dotProject installation, then use System Admin -> View Modules to manage the new module.

Posted by Adam Donnison 2004-05-06

Sourceforge Forums now turned off

If you're looking for a support forum we have turned them off from general access on Sourceforge as they are now set up and running on

Posted by Karen Chisholm 2004-04-19

Forums now moved to

All of the support forums have now been moved to the site. This is to provide a cleaner interface with easier grouping and searching, and to keep the dotmods and dotproject group forums together.

Posted by Adam Donnison 2004-04-16

Journal Module v1.0a released

Thanks to J. Christopher Pereira we can track a journal in a project basis. This is useful to log calls, meetings and/or any contact with the customer, and so on.

Posted by Juan Carlos Gonzalez 2004-03-30

Hungarian now available

This translation, by lunakid and lippy, has brought the total number of translations to 16, not including the base English translation.

Posted by Adam Donnison 2004-01-30

Dutch now available

Thanks to unomi00 we now have a Dutch language pack.

Posted by Adam Donnison 2004-01-29

Slovenian now available

Slovenian language pack is now available in both .tar.gz and .zip form.

Posted by Adam Donnison 2004-01-29

Italian translation released

This translation has actually been around a while, but is now in a downloadable format.

Posted by Adam Donnison 2004-01-21

New Chinese (Taiwan) translation

The newest translation on the block is a Taiwanese Chinese translation. Get it from the Chinese Locales package download page. Other Chinese dialects are available in the same package. Click on the package name (rather than the release name) to see a list of all dialect releases.

Posted by Adam Donnison 2004-01-14

New Portugese Translation

In the Portugese locales package are now both a standard Portugese and a Portugese for Brazil. Click on the package name (rather than the release name) to see all releases for the package.

Posted by Adam Donnison 2004-01-06

Adding features to dotProject!

DotMods is growing in order to add insanely cool features to dotProject functionality.
We are starting to develop three new modules that with will become, thanks to the team effort, part of dotProjects core distribution. These modules will enable a wider range of users take to the extreme all dotProjects features.
These modules are:

Customer Relationship Management
- For all customer services representatives, dotProject will make their lives easier. For project administrators, they will know all the information generated in each contact with the projects stakeholders... read more

Posted by Juan Carlos Gonzalez 2003-09-11