
#27 Windows support


dosemu's dpmi host (cvs version) has problems with
routing int 23h to protected mode. The routing itself
works, but it seems to me that some register
information gets lost when returning to real-mode, for
example the contents of the floating-point registers
change to "random" values.

There are other odd things, but possibly these look
better once this problem is resolved.


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  • Stas Sergeev

    Stas Sergeev - 2004-12-01

    Logged In: YES

    Where is your glorious test-case?
    Does the information gets lost when you do retf/CF, or also
    even when you just do iret?
    Anyway, see the attached patch. It should handle the
    termination case (retf/CF) better.

  • Stas Sergeev

    Stas Sergeev - 2004-12-01

    Logged In: YES

    Could you please also provide the test-case for the
    windows binaries relocation problem? (when more than
    one stripped binary started) I wonder why you haven't
    told us about that problem before. It is not something
    that we can't quickly fix I suppose.

  • japheth

    japheth - 2004-12-01

    Logged In: YES

    Where is your glorious test-case?
    Does the information gets lost when you do retf/CF, or also
    even when you just do iret?

    I attached the simple test case for int 23h. It's the binary
    and the asm source code (though you wont be able to assemble
    it, its meant as info only).

    • It installs an int23 handler (currently just an iret!)
    • it stores a value in st(0)
    • then displays strings with int 21h, ah=9, waiting for
      escape key
    • now checkes if st(0) has been modified

    if you run this app and DON'T press ctrl-c, it should
    display "no changes..."
    if you run it and press ctrl-c before pressing escape it
    displays an error with dosemu. on other platforms still
    displays "no changes...".

    Could you please also provide the test-case for the
    windows binaries relocation problem?

    In my eyes that is not a bug, it's just a missing feature of
    dosemu. It would require dosemu to provide something like
    the DPMI V1.0 feature "virtual machines" (multiple address
    contexts). I thought this would be too sophisticated for the
    moment. And if in the near future dosemu will run windows
    95, this feature will have been implemented anyway ;-).

  • Stas Sergeev

    Stas Sergeev - 2004-12-02

    Logged In: YES

    contexts). I thought this would be too sophisticated for the
    Is this an excuse for not providing the test-case? :)
    I can just remap the area that is allocated by an inactive
    client, and the problem is fixed. When the client became
    active again, I remap its areas to the previous locations.

  • japheth

    japheth - 2004-12-02

    Logged In: YES

    Is this an excuse for not providing the test-case? :)
    I can just remap the area that is allocated by an inactive
    client, and the problem is fixed. When the client became
    active again, I remap its areas to the previous locations.

    Sounds great. But there is the problem that no dpmi API is
    defined to start an application in a new address context.
    With HX I do it simply by hiding the current dpmi server
    instance (for that real mode int 2f, ax=1687h is
    intercepted). So another server will have to be loaded if a
    new client wants to start. But how to implement anything
    similiar in dosemu? Would one have to define a proprietary
    API for that? Setting an environment variable? Or an option
    in .dosemurc?

  • Stas Sergeev

    Stas Sergeev - 2004-12-02

    Logged In: YES

    Sounds great. But there is the problem that no dpmi API is
    defined to start an application in a new address context.
    Yes, that always kept me puzzled. DPMI spec have a lot
    of bla-bla-bla about the "virtual machines", but fails to answer
    the simplest question: how is to create that separate virtual
    machines? I don't know how could this happened. Was it
    simply forgotten by the spec writers, or it is just me unable
    to find it in specs?

    But how to implement anything similiar in dosemu?
    Now you confused me. I thought the problem is only
    that the function 504h fails with ax=8012h. What are
    the real problems here? If it is just about function 504h,
    then I see no problems at all, otherwise I don't know.

  • japheth

    japheth - 2004-12-02

    Logged In: YES

    Now you confused me. I thought the problem is only
    that the function 504h fails with ax=8012h. What are
    the real problems here?

    I thought the problem was:

    1. you have 2 binaries (i.e. PE format without relocation
      info and the same image base), the first calling the second.
      This doesn't work with dosemu because there is one address
      space only to be shared by all dpmi clients, so the first
      will be loaded and run, the second fails to load when trying
      to alloc memory with 0x504.

    But what would you - or dosemu - do then when/after function
    0x504 failed?

    Possibly I should remind you that this thread is about int
    23h errors and loosing floating point register values.

  • Stas Sergeev

    Stas Sergeev - 2004-12-02

    Logged In: YES

    I attached the simple test case for int 23h.
    Thanks. Fixed in dpmi.c:1.98.
    Please test how the termination now works - I worked a bit
    more on it.

    And if in the near future dosemu will run windows
    95, this feature will have been implemented anyway ;-).
    So, how win95 says "run this client in a separate context"?
    Supporting truely separate contexts under dosemu would
    be difficult. And I don't think the ptrace approach will work.
    I don't see how the ptracer can, for example, do memory
    management on behalf of the child process.
    But I think it is not needed in most cases and we can
    do a trivial hack on func 504h to get things working.

    Btw, I figured out the problem with 32rtm (which you
    probably haven't ever triggered under dosemu). It will
    silently disappear soon, noone will even notice.

    Still trying to get krnl286 running when int2f reports
    standard mode. krnl386 already works, but no luck
    with the 286 one...

  • Stas Sergeev

    Stas Sergeev - 2004-12-02

    Logged In: YES

    But what would you - or dosemu - do then when/after function
    0x504 failed?
    I wont let it to fail. I'll just back out the needed region
    and retry
    the allocation.

    Possibly I should remind you that this thread is about int
    23h errors and loosing floating point register values.
    Thanks:) but this is already fixed, and the advantage of
    that thread is that you can attach to it.

  • japheth

    japheth - 2004-12-02

    Logged In: YES

    I got the current cvs.

    1. The test with the "IRET" int 23h handler now works and
      doesn't trash registers.

    2. I can also confirm that an int 23h handler which returns

    RETF ;only RETF, not RETF 2/4,as it is described in RBIL!

    activates dosemu's automatic termination. This work fine -
    as long as no special cleanup work has to be done by the
    client. But one should be aware that this termination method
    is supported by dosemu only, not by winxp or win9x hosts.

    1. The case that the client installs an int 23h handler and
      int 21h, ah=4Ch has problems, especially if it isn't the
      client who is terminating. Here win9x does a good job, but
      winxp has its own problems with this variant.

    Personally I think this thing now works good enough.

  • Stas Sergeev

    Stas Sergeev - 2004-12-03

    Logged In: YES

    client. But one should be aware that this termination method
    is supported by dosemu only, not by winxp or win9x hosts.
    That means the clients will not use it - very good:)

    int 21h, ah=4Ch has problems, especially if it isn't the
    client who is terminating. Here win9x does a good job, but
    But I already suggested (when discussing the WD problems)
    that dosemu can find out what exactly client is terminating,
    and do the better clean-up work, which could also help WD.
    But you said its a bad idea...

  • japheth

    japheth - 2004-12-03

    Logged In: YES

    But you said its a bad idea...

    IIRC I said it wouldn't help with the WD problem.

    But with "primary client" I meant simply the first client
    starting in this dos box. Your suggestion was, IIRC, to
    check if it is the "active" client (the last one started in
    the box) which is terminating and do a better clean-up work
    if it is NOT.

  • japheth

    japheth - 2004-12-03

    Logged In: YES

    But what would you - or dosemu - do then when/after function
    0x504 failed?

    I wont let it to fail. I'll just back out the needed region
    and retry the allocation.

    That sounds a bit hazardous. I doubt that you can determine
    in the host if the memory region can be safely "moved away".

    The best I can currently imagine for dosemu is to optionally
    start a new "virtual machine" when a new client starts, with
    the conventional memory being a shared region (so not really
    a VM). The previous client's extended memory, IDT, LDT, IVT?
    and real-mode callbacks have to be saved, initialized and
    later restored. In fact, this is just a little bit more than
    what is done for a DPMI V1.0 client.

  • Stas Sergeev

    Stas Sergeev - 2004-12-03

    Logged In: YES

    But with "primary client" I meant simply the first client
    starting in this dos box.
    <pedantic mode="" on="">
    A primary client of a VM is the topmost (most recent)
    client of the
    stack within the VM. It is the last client of the
    virtual machine that
    called the protected mode entry routine obtained
    through Int 2FH
    Function 1687H.

    So you might be confused.
    <pedantic mode="" off="">

    That sounds a bit hazardous. I doubt that you can determine
    in the host if the memory region can be safely "moved away".
    I don't see the concern. To me any region that belongs
    to the currently inactive client, is safe to move away.
    There may be an exceptions from this, like those if the
    client was started by directly calling int21 DOS exec
    from protected mode. In this case it may want to access
    the memory of its parent. But this is not something that
    can stand on a way I think.

  • japheth

    japheth - 2004-12-04

    Logged In: YES

    To me any region that belongs
    to the currently inactive client, is safe to move away

    But since - at least for 0.9 servers - a new client inherits
    the IDT/LDT of the previous (or "inactive") client, how
    could you be sure that in the memory you just moved away
    there is no code of the inactive client to be executed?
    I'm afraid I am misunderstanding something.

  • Stas Sergeev

    Stas Sergeev - 2004-12-04

    Logged In: YES

    But since - at least for 0.9 servers - a new client inherits
    the IDT/LDT of the previous (or "inactive") client, how
    could you be sure that in the memory you just moved away
    there is no code of the inactive client to be executed?
    Because any interrupts, exceptions, realmode callbacks
    and everything else that could transfer the control from
    one client to another, is passed through the server. Of
    course if the client that has the "moved" areas, became
    active, the first thing to do would be to swap its data/code

    I'm afraid I am misunderstanding something.
    I don't know what exactly. I think this technique is
    very common, was used to create "multitasking" on
    286 machines etc.

  • Stas Sergeev

    Stas Sergeev - 2004-12-04

    Logged In: YES

    Of course if some idiot will activate another client with the
    far calls, then I think my technique will screw up. But is
    this really ever happens in the real world?

  • japheth

    japheth - 2004-12-04

    Logged In: YES

    But is this really ever happens in the real world?

    I think yes. Example:

    1. client installs handler for int 21h
    2. starts new client
    3. new client installs handler for int 21h, which may look
      like this:

      cmp ah, xx ;wants to catch xx function
      jz domywork
      jmp fword ptr cs:[oldint21] ;jmp to previous handler

    That's usual coding, and in this trivial case you already
    have this far jump. Not to mention pointer parameters, which
    would require yet another API translation layer.

  • Stas Sergeev

    Stas Sergeev - 2004-12-04

    Logged In: YES

    That's usual coding, and in this trivial case you already
    have this far jump.
    That's the usual coding only when the clients are in the
    same address space. If both the clients needs to be loaded
    at a fixed address, they either will not do this,
    or will store such a shared code in the specially allocated
    shared memory regions. Otherwise this just can't work.
    And since the clients that must be loaded at a fixed
    address, assume the separate address space, they'll
    surely not do this.

  • Stas Sergeev

    Stas Sergeev - 2004-12-06

    Logged In: YES

    A bit of cheating, and you can attach (the win32 testcases)
    to the "Windows support" thread.

  • japheth

    japheth - 2004-12-07

    Logged In: YES

    before doing win32 stuff I would suggest to fix win16 bugs.

    There is at least one causing TDW.EXE to not work under
    win311 in dosemu. I once wrote another win31 debugger, and
    it doesnt work either - as long as it uses toolhelp.dll,
    which is used by TDW as well. If it bypasses tooolhelp by
    installing its own exception handlers, everything works.

    So I examined toolhelp a bit and found:

    • it installs handlers for exceptions 0, 6, c, d, e
    • it does NOT install handlers for exception 1 and 3 but
    • it installs interrupt handlers for int 01 and int 03

    Using interrupt handlers instead of exception handlers
    should work for exceptions 0-7 according to dpmi specs. The
    default handlers for these exceptions should switch back to
    the application stack and then call the appropriate interrupt.
    I suspect that dosemu doesn't do this, so toolhelp isn't
    notified about int 1 and int 3, and therefore TDW is unable
    to work.

    BTW: since the dpmi specs also says that protected mode
    interrupts should be routed to real mode, the exceptions may
    finally be reported to the real-mode interrupt handlers. One
    may argue if this is useful. Anyway, the win9x host (and
    hdpmi) are doing it.

    As usual I attached a simple test app. I should mention that
    the test fails not only on dosemu, but also with dosx on winxp.

  • Stas Sergeev

    Stas Sergeev - 2004-12-07

    Logged In: YES

    Using interrupt handlers instead of exception handlers
    should work for exceptions 0-7 according to dpmi specs.
    DPMI specs says these exceptions are reflected to
    the real-mode interrupts. And not exception 6!

    I suspect that dosemu doesn't do this
    Dosemu does exactly what DPMI spec says here.

    BTW: since the dpmi specs also says that protected mode
    interrupts should be routed to real mode, the exceptions may
    finally be reported to the real-mode interrupt handlers.
    From what I can see from DPMI specs, you are
    thoroughly confused. They gets reflected to real-mode
    handlers only!

    One may argue if this is useful.
    Who will argue on what's the spec explicitly says?

    Anyway, the win9x host (and hdpmi) are doing it.

    As usual I attached a simple test app.
    Your app crash with an unhandled exception 6. This
    is exactly how DPMI specs say it should work.

    I should mention that
    the test fails not only on dosemu, but also with dosx on
    No surprise. Your test-case is ill.

  • japheth

    japheth - 2004-12-07

    Logged In: YES

    DPMI specs says these exceptions are reflected to
    the real-mode interrupts. And not exception 6!

    all dpmi hosts I know - including dosx of winxp, the one
    exception is dosemu - route exceptions to protected mode
    ints. On the other hand, routing from pm ints to real-mode
    ints is sometimes implemented for int 1 and 3, but never for
    int 0 and 6 (the others I dont know). IMHO this is just a
    typo in the docs, because what sense would it make to route
    int 00 to real-mode? The app would be terminated in
    real-mode, leaving the client with an invalid PSP and the
    system crashes.

    From what I can see from DPMI specs, you are
    thoroughly confused. They gets reflected to real-mode
    handlers only!

    I was a bit tired I have to admit, but not confused.

    Who will argue on what's the spec explicitly says?

    If the real-world looks different, one may possibly ignore
    the docs :-)

    Your app crash with an unhandled exception 6. This
    is exactly how DPMI specs say it should work.

    it was an int 3, not int 6!

    No surprise. Your test-case is ill.

    No, dosx is ill. The test-case is bad only because it uses
    exception 3, so it is hard to debug. With a similiar
    test-case for exception 0 it can easily be shown that dosx

    • routes the exception to the pm interrupt
    • but calls it with an invalid stack frame if client is 32bit
      (eip + cs +eflags should be on the stack, but dosx pushes
      eip + eflags + eflags!). So the IRET fails.

    Exception 00 is a far better case to watch, especially with
    win31, because it can be seen that the exception handler is
    installed by GDI (to silently cure GDI exceptions), but the
    pm interrupt handler is installed from krnl386, which in
    turn signals divide errors to the apps. If exceptions were
    routed directly to real-mode, this cannot work. So making a
    simple win16 test app should prove that dosemu is failing.

  • japheth

    japheth - 2004-12-07

    Logged In: YES

    In case it was confusing: with "dosx" in the last post I
    meant windows xp's dosx, not win31's dosx:

  • japheth

    japheth - 2004-12-07

    Logged In: YES

    So making a simple win16 test app should prove that dosemu
    is failing.

    I made and attached this test app. If the exc -> pm int
    routing works finally, this app will no longer crash dosemu

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