
#55 Extra large files under UAE


There is strange behaviour with files above 4GB under WinUAE (3.1.0 in this case)
Original Opus5 wrapped the sizes to 4GB, while 5.91 produces really odd big numbers (see pic).
(Direct disk access via lister) Possibly needs a workaround or a fix with WinUAE too.

1 Attachments


  • Ilkka Lehtoranta

    It seems that DOpus5 is using lsprintf() to format strings. Internally this is mapped to RawDoFmt() call in Exec and in OS3 this does not support 64-bit variables. Maybe code using %lld formatting codes should be carefully examined and replaced with OS3 compatible workaround...?

  • Michael

    Michael - 2015-09-22

    Some useful info from Toni Wilen:

    From my quick source check it looks like OS3 DOPUS version only uses
    64-bit file sizes internally but it does not use any 64-bit dos packets

    My guess it looks like file size gets sign extended when dopus
    internally converts 32-bit value to 64-bit, for example 4G-2 file in
    hexadecimal is FFFFFFFE but it becomes FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFE (when correct
    would have been 00000000 FFFFFFFE in 64-bit)

    Max 64-bit unsigned value is: FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF =
    18,446,744,073,709,551,615 in decimal. Which matches your screenshot.


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