
Any documentation on how exceptions work (or don't)?

  • d1lly84r4te1t4g41n

    Is there a document that explains the logic for exceptions in settings (specifically for javascript)? Results I get are not quite what I was expecting.

  • Guess Who

    Guess Who - 2013-09-08

    Documentation is absent.

    For JavaScript, let's say you visit and you set an exception for JavaScript will be disabled before the load of is initiated. Once you leave, JavaScript will be enabled if necessary.

    Please provide an example scenario.

    • d1lly84r4te1t4g41n

      Thanks for the reply. I was using negative logic. Turn it off, add sites where I want to turn it on. Guess my list of trusted sites is a lot shorter than yours. :)

      Sorry to bother you with it. Too lazy to go to the source code.

      BTW, I really like what you have so far. Encryption piece is brilliant. Like the history enabled back and forward. Opera rewind button would be choice. Hope you keep at it. Opportunity these days. Everything is starting over. Mozilla and TOR shot themselves in the foot with the whole JS thing. IE is an NSA nest. Everyone is looking for cross platform candidates. Looks like you are in the sweetspot.

      Patent the encryption piece, figure out how to use it with a modified Apache in place of SSL on default ports.....

      Thanks again for the help.

  • Guess Who

    Guess Who - 2013-09-09

    Thanks for one silent suggestion. I reviewed some of the mechanisms and made some little improvements. The TO-DO will provide credit.

    Thanks also for the belief that the cliched wheel is never perfect.


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