
Dodo, the programming language / News: Recent posts

What is new in Dodo?

Dodo has a home on Github as well:

The language documentation is here:

Sadly, it is still not possible to write programs using dodo. The existing code is very limited and the documentation only shows what you could do with it.

Posted by Denis Bredelet 2023-01-12

Dining Philosophers in dodo

Recently Mozilla released version 1.0.0 of its Rust language. With the language comes a book, which contains examples. Among these examples there is a version of the Dining Philosophers problem intended to illustrate how to make parallel programs in Rust.

I wrote a dodo version of the program. I go through it below.

First we import some standard services so that we can use the symbols they define:... read more

Posted by Denis Bredelet 2015-05-26

A basic dodo implementation

The dodo language just got a basic interpreter. You can write a dodo program using an adapted subset of the language and execute it.

Visit the files section for the installation instructions and the files you will need as well as a few examples.

This is the output of the largest example (which implements a dodo qualifier and two classes):

Words: [pumpkin Janet purple pony Amsterdam three kiwi]
Letter counts: [7 5 6 4 9 5 4]
Concat all: (p u m p k i n J a n e t p u r p l e p o n y A m s t e r d a m t h r e e k i w i)
Without first four: [Amsterdam three kiwi]

Posted by Denis Bredelet 2010-10-14

Compared to Google Noop

It is always good to have a point of reference. Google recently published their own language for the Java Virtual Machine, Noop <>. How do dodo <> features compare to the proposed Noop features? Read on.


* No primitive types, everything is an Object.

-- The dodo type system can manage both, as an Object is simply a structure which is Polymorphic... read more

Posted by Denis Bredelet 2009-09-25

Intervals in dodo

Dodo has a special syntax for intervals. Intervals are used mainly to specify an index range in a list, but they can have more uses. At the moment I envision their use only for enumerable types like integers.

The current documentation contains an example of interval, which is the form:


That notation means "n or more". Used as a list index, it allows to select all elements of the list from index n onwards.... read more

Posted by Denis Bredelet 2009-07-30

About the dodo syntax

The syntax of the dodo language is still a work in flux, but the documentation shows the main orientations.

My main inspirations are C, Python, D and various other languages.

From C I borrowed the variable declaration style, the bracket block syntax, the dot as field accessor and more. The colon-dot block syntax is inpired from Python and the exception system is inspired from D.
I would like to discuss some decisions that were made that depart from these languages.... read more

Posted by Denis Bredelet 2008-08-16

Dodo is live!

The dodo project just quick-started. There is now a draft documentation of the language available at the project home page and in the Documentation area.

Posted by Denis Bredelet 2006-11-10