
Docx2txt v1.2 released

New features:

1. Perl script usage is extended to accept .docx file from standard input. It also works with input/output redirection now. Please refer to the documentation for more information.

2. Script files and configuration file can be installed in separate directories on (non-Windows) systems using Makefile for installation.

3. Linux Makefile also attempts to update the system configuration directory to desired directory in installed Perl script.

4. User specific and system wide configuration files can be maintained separately even on windows.


1. "-h" has to be given as the first argument to Perl script to get usage help.

2. Added new configuration variable "config_tempDir".

3. Configuration file is uniformly looked for in current directory, user configuration directory (APPDATA on Windows and HOME on non-Windows), system configuration directory (same location as script files on Windows, /etc or as set during installation on non-Windows systems) in the specified order.

4. Documentation has been updated with usage examples and information on how .docx file text content can directly be viewed using Vim and Emacs editors.

5. Improved handling of special (non-text) characters, along with support for more non-text characters like fractions.

6. Fixed Bug #3463033: added ' and " to docx specific escape character conversions.

7. Fixed the wrong code that had got committed during earlier fixing of nullDevice for Cygwin.

Posted by Sandeep Kumar 2012-01-14

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