
Upload issue Version 2.3.1 Nginx + FastCGI "Content-Type header not set,"

  • Stefan Regler

    Stefan Regler - 2015-07-23


    I've installed the latest version 2.3.1 on my Raspberry (Raspbian - Debian Clone for ARM). It's seems to be working, adding/deleting collections, users, keywords is no problem. But I keep getting the error "Content-Type header not set," after the upload progess. The file does not get uploaded. I messed around with some settings wihin file.php but not getting nowhere. The problem is still there.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks for this nice peace of software

  • Stefan Regler

    Stefan Regler - 2015-07-23

    A acreenshot of the problem

  • Giampaolo Tucci

    Giampaolo Tucci - 2015-07-25

    Browser ? S.O. ? Apache vers ?



    Last edit: Giampaolo Tucci 2015-07-25
  • Stefan Regler

    Stefan Regler - 2015-07-25

    Hi Giampaolo,

    thanks for your quick feedback !
    I'm using Webserver NGINX version: nginx/1.2.1 on Raspbian.
    I tried all different browsers/OS Version, no differences.

    Trace from accesslog:

    [25/Jul/2015:21:24:17 +0200] "POST /docmgr/api.php?apidata=%7B%22header%22%3A%7B%22session_id%22%3A%22tml29ge4rju5ljpfg47d5u5rf4%22%7D%2C%22body%22%3A%7B%22command%22%3A%22docmgr_file_saveinputstream%22%2C%22name%22%3A%22addons.json%22%2C%22parent_id%22%3A%222%22%2C%22summary%22%3A%22%22%2C%22keyword_id%22%3A%5B%221%22%5D%2C%22keyword_value%22%3A%5B%22%5B%5Bdocmgr_noentry%5D%5D%22%5D%7D%7D HTTP/1.1" 200 129 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/39.0"

  • Stefan Regler

    Stefan Regler - 2015-07-30


    any hint what else I can do, to solve this issue ?
    I really would like to use Docmgr

  • Giampaolo Tucci

    Giampaolo Tucci - 2015-07-30

    I'm sorry for late in my resp
    We do not know NGINX at all, and dogmgr is compatible only with apache
    Have you tried with Apache ?


  • Stefan Regler

    Stefan Regler - 2015-07-30

    ok, I'll give it a try ! THX !

  • Stefan Regler

    Stefan Regler - 2015-07-30


    I've tested with Lighttp and it works ... no error anymore.
    I don't know if you might have time to work on supporting nginx as well....
    At least I would appreciate it !


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