

  • Paranthaman

    Paranthaman - 2014-08-13

    1. I have an portable version of Docfetcher in shared drive. I have indexed some folders required. But after some period, some folders I indexed is no longer shown in search scope and a window shows the folder is not supported in this version. I havent changed any version.

    1. Since this is a portable version it keeps throwing on "failed on watching the folder XXX". Pls give me a suggestion to avoid this error and also I have added the daemon in startup.

    2. Also whether there is a way to see the non-indexed files/errors etc,?

    Thank you

  • Nam-Quang Tran

    Nam-Quang Tran - 2014-08-13


    I have an portable version of Docfetcher in shared drive. I have indexed some folders required. But after some period, some folders I indexed is no longer shown in search scope and a window shows the folder is not supported in this version.

    The only explanation I can think of is that some other program is deleting or modifying DocFetcher's index files.

    Since this is a portable version it keeps throwing on "failed on watching the folder XXX".

    Folder watching is not supported for network locations. To disable the error, rebuild the index with folder watching turned off. For the latter, make sure that on the indexing options dialog the "Watch folders for file changes" option is unchecked.

    Also whether there is a way to see the non-indexed files/errors etc,?

    At the moment, the errors are only shown at the end of the indexing process.

    Best regards
    q:-) <= Quang

    • Paranthaman

      Paranthaman - 2014-08-19

      Thanks a lot Nam-Quang Tran :)


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