
Change language

  • Peter Testoni

    Peter Testoni - 2014-04-10

    I open the portable version of DocFetcher and it comes up in a language that I do not
    understand (I think it is German). Is there a way to get to use the program in English?
    I was not able to find a setting in program-conf.txt or settings-conf.txt.


  • Nam-Quang Tran

    Nam-Quang Tran - 2014-04-10


    DocFetcher uses the same language your operating system is using, which, apparently, is set to German. Please try setting the operating system's language to English.

    Other than that, you could also rename DocFetcher's language files in the folder DocFetcher/lang, and in particular the file (Don't change the folder itself, just the files in it.)

    Best regards
    q:-) <= Quang

  • Frank

    Frank - 2019-05-13

    I have a French GUI in DF as I use a French-language windows but want to change it to English as all the Help files are in English. I did not understand your answer. Ho wcan I get DF to use English independently from the GUI language ? I shall not change the language of windows.

  • Nam-Quang Tran

    Nam-Quang Tran - 2019-05-13

    Please see the question

    "How can I switch the user interface to a different language?"

    on the DocFetcher FAQ.


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