
Domain Name Registry System / News: Recent posts

Domain Name Registry System: Release 2.7

A new public release of the DNRS.

This release allows some improvements to the UpgradeManager, replication improvements, Changes to allow table partitioning, bug fixes and just a few other general tidy ups. See the change log for more details.

Posted by Dave Baker 2008-11-11

SRS (& DNRS) Documentation Update

A project to review and rewrite the documentation or the SRS is currently underway. In addition to improving upon the existing SRS documentation, one of the aims of the project is to promote the SRS as an alternative standards-based protocol to the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP).

The project has been split into two phases:

Phase one involves producing an SRS Standards document that documents the SRS as a standard and submitting it to the IETF internet drafts process with the ultimate aim of achieving an RFC publication status. This document excludes any .nz implementation specific details as these details are covered in phase two.... read more

Posted by Andrew Ruthven 2008-05-21

Domain Name Registry System: Release 2.0

A new public release of the DNRS.

This release allows for multiple Registrar PGP Keys, some replication improvements and just a few other general tidy ups. See the change log for more details.

Posted by Dave Baker 2008-05-02

Domain Name Registry System: Release 1.47

A new public release of the DNRS, there have been a few release since 1.41, but none of them had any real significant changes.

This release brings a revamped backend replication, improvements to frontend replication and just a few other general tidy ups. See the change log for more details.

Posted by Andrew Ruthven 2007-12-04

Domain Name Registry System: Release 1.41

The Shared Registry System is software (client and servers) for managing a domain name registry, and is most likely to be of use for managing a country TLD. The software was originally developed in 2002 to manage the New Zealand (.nz) domain name space.

We're pleased to make a somewhat belated announcement of a new release of the DNRS - version 1.41.

Posted by Andrew Ruthven 2007-11-15

ICANN Conference

Dave Baker, the Technical Manager for NZRS will be attending the ICANN meeting in Portugal during the last week of March, if you'll be there and want to discuss the DNRS with him, please drop him an email him at .

ICANN meeting website:

Posted by Andrew Ruthven 2007-03-08

Release 1.38

We're pleased to make available a new release of the DNRS - version 1.38.

The major new feature in this release (aside from the usual minor tweaks) is the ResourceManager. This can be used to limit the affect that Registrars can have on the registry.

Posted by Andrew Ruthven 2007-03-08

Release 1.37

Wow, it took longer than we expected, but we've made it. A new version (1.37.0) has just been uploaded.

Yes, the previous version was 1.8 and was released almost 3 years ago. It's been a while...

Posted by Andrew Ruthven 2006-12-07

Updated DNRS to be released

After a long hiatus there will shortly be a public release of the current DNRS code base.

We are also hoping to be able to synchronise monthly releases with this project on an ongoing basis as well.

Posted by Andrew McMillan 2006-10-26