
Dark Millennium List Builder / News: Recent posts


And so like the ungrateful dead the project is live once more. Why? Oh, lots of reasons, but with finally fixing that annoying bit of string manipulation fail, allowing usage of git, and finally getting to play WH40K regularly again I'm once again dedicated to doing everything I can. I hope to be able to finish the project this time and to celebrate have made an initial git checkin of the newly-cleaned codebase. Yes, I know the project and the repo name are the same. Sorry about that. Hopefully with git I'll have a bit better command over the branches and we can have things developed cleanly and sanely. Wish me luck!... read more

Posted by foxx 2010-10-14

Library format uploaded

Big news! The long-awaited library file format template is now in the repository. It's under dmlb/dmlb-library-tau.inf. Remember, you will have to modify it to suit what's in your codex and this is only a guide (there are, for instance, many entries not listed).

However, with it it should be fairly clear as to how to make your own file that will be compatible with the builder. At a later date I will release a HOWTO on modifying the guide. Again I apologize for not being able to put the values in myself for legal reasons.... read more

Posted by foxx 2008-04-22

Library Format

Hello, time for that irregular update again. Finally I've been settling in at my job and home so I'm able to start turning my attentions back to the List Builder (contrary to public opinion, it is NOT dead, just slow).

I've managed to mostly finalize the library file format, I'm just entering one or two last entries for testing. As soon as I'm happy with how it's made I'll be modifying it so as not to be copyright infringing and upload it to the project space. Thereupon any interested project followers can start making their own versions or if they've got any questions about it they can feel free to ask me.... read more

Posted by foxx 2008-02-21

Still Alive

Just posting a message to let everyone know that the project is NOT dead. However, as I just got about 5,000lbs of boxes (aka "our stuff") delivered combined with a new job development is slow.

At the moment I'm still finalizing the library file. I know, I know, I've been finalizing it forever, but that's just the way it is. Without the exact, proper format, tested and all, nothing else in the project will matter since it's all totally dependent on it. With that in mind, I WILL do a CVS with the final one, copyright-infringement-free, when it is finished and resume work on the code.... read more

Posted by foxx 2007-12-11

Temporary Hiatus

FIRST AND FOREMOST, THE PROJECT IS <b>NOT</b> DEAD. However, I <i>just</i> moved quite literally about 2,000 miles and I'm still waiting on the majority of my stuff to get here which includes my backup equipment.<br><br>

Furthermore, while I'm working on it currently what I'm updating is the file parser. To properly test it requires me making for myself a "real" army library which I cannot redistribute. As I hash that out, the file parser will be written and thus committed to CVS. All this means is that if you see small updates just know there's a mound of work for each one. When the library file format is actually set, I'll be uploading the standard one that everyone can use as a base to create their own.<br><br>... read more

Posted by foxx 2007-10-29

We're live!

The Dark Millennium List Builder is now hosted on Everything for me to update regularly has been set up and to commemorate the occasion I've finished all the major objects for the backend minus the parser. One more object to code up and test and the backend itself will be finished, barring some optimization.

Posted by foxx 2007-09-07