
DMCMS / News: Recent posts

CVS Changing to SVN

DMCMS has recently been revised and changes are underway to release version 1. Part of this update will involve some small changes to the code to bring it up to date and a migration from CVS to SVN.

Currently the CVS service has been disabled, previous version are available on request via the forums on our website -

You will also find on our forums the latest builds of DMCMS, these are the latest files that we are working on. Once SVN is up and running they will be committed to the repository.... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2010-05-17

Remote File Injection Vulnerability

Another security vulnerability has resulted in yet another release. This time the fix is to prevent a remote file injection technique being used to remotely gain access by including a remote file within the core code. If you haven't already updated it is reccomended that you do so as soon as possible.

Posted by DeeEmm 2008-08-17

SQL Injection vulnerability found

A recent security vulnerability allowed an attacker to retrieve the stored passwords using an SQL injection technique. The technique used a cleverly formed SQL statement to be run when injected by POST variables in the address bar of the browser. This security issue is addressed in the 0.7.5 release. It is reccommended that all users who have not yet upgraded to the 0.7.5 version do so at their earliest convenience.... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2008-08-16

Demo Site Back Up

Just a quick note to say that the Demo site is now back up and running. The Demo site is running the latest DMCMS_074 version and can be found at

To login you will need to use the following info

Username: Admin

Password: DeeEmm

Please remember that the username and password are case sensitive.

For security reasons some functions have been disabled.

Don't forget to join the forum and share your views and experiences with DMCMS, it's your feedback that helps to make DMCMS better.... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2008-07-18


DMCMS 0.7.4 is now available for download. This version is a minor bugfix release that addresses some minor issues. This release also includes a brand new administration panel, a brand new help system and is also DMCMS LT release candidate number 1.

With the development of version 0.8.0 continuing, the current 0.7.X release is being released as a 'Lite' version known as DMCMS 'LT'. This means that with the 0.8.0 release there will be two versions of DMCMS available.... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2008-07-12

DMCMS 0.7.3 Release

With the DMCMS 0.8.0 release slowly approaching the current release has had a few bug fixes to keep it up to date.

The DMCMS0.7.3 release is a minor bug fix release with fixes to fix some minor issues. The changelog is as follows.

7.3 (BETA) 03/02/2008
Security Fixes.
Bug Fixes.
Media gallery display icon not showing for non-image files
Changed paths to relative for sitemap admin template call
Edit link changed for list type pages
Added Features / Changes.
Commented out check for deleting used files
Changed files.
./admin/delete_item.php... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2008-06-22

New Hosting Provider

Some of you may have noticed that for the past few weeks the main website has been down, this is due to some security issues with my hosting provider.

I have now moved hosting to different provider and am now in the process of getting the site back up and running.

Time permitting, the site should be back up within the next day or so.

Thanks for your patience.


Posted by DeeEmm 2008-02-15

Bugfix Release 072 BETA

Hot on the heels of the 0.7.1 release is another bugfix release. This release addresses an issue with the main page displaying incorrectly. Also addressed is a problem where static content page submissions do not update the database.

The updated packages can be downloaded from the download link on the left.

Full release notes and changelog can be viewed below.

As usual, full support is offered via the Wiki and Forums on the Project Web Site at read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2008-01-03

Bugfix Release 071 BETA

A new DMCMS version is available for download - this is to address the outstanding SQL injection vulnerability bug. It also includes the previous couple of bug fixes that have been issued since the last release.

There are no database updates except the version number so if you want to perform a manual update you can simply copy across the updated files (these files are listed in the read-me file).... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2008-01-02

We're still here!! :)

Just a quick note to say that even though nothing appears to have happened recently, the project is still alive. Work on the project has slowed to a virtual standstill at present due to a couple of other commitments. Release version 8 Beta is about 80% complete (as it has been for the past few months) and will be finished as soon as I've tidied up a couple of other projects.

Thanks for the continued support of the project.... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2007-10-02

File Upload Bug

There is a bug in the version 0.7.0.beta DMCMS that prevents media files from being uploaded. The bug is in the upload file function and prevents the filename being returned to the main program after the file has been transferred. This is seen as a fault by the main program and as a concequence an error message is returned.

Full instructions on how to remedy the fault can be found on both the bug tracker and the forums. As usual the download mirrors have been updated to include the revised file.... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2007-07-21

0.7.0.BETA SQL File Error

A recent bug tracker submission has highlighted a bug in the SQL file supplied with the latest version of DMCMS. The file DMCMS.0.7.0.BETA.sql contains incorrect syntax which may result in users of SQL 4.X.X not being able to create the database. Users performing upgrades should be ok and users of later versions may not see the issue at all.

An updated version of the database file is available from the Bug Tracker page -... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2007-07-05

Latest Progress

Progress with the next release has been racing along at breakneck speed. The admin interface has had a bit of a shape up and change around with a possible new interface on the horizon for a later release. The biggest feature for the upcoming release is full scale user integration, the commenting system is already in place, so are user profiles and forgotton password handlers.

The biggest remaining part is to impliment the user registration engine to allow users to register without manual intervention.... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2007-06-21

DMCMS 0.7.0.Beta Released

The 0.7.0.Beta update is a major update from the previous version (hence it's jump from version 0.6.X to 0.7.X) practically all of the files have been changed. The changes are mostly to address problems with how the site is rendered in Internet Explorer, which for the most part I have not taken care of due to developing in Firefox.

Hopefully now I have stopped alienating IE users by actually releasing something they can see/use the site traffic should go up and someone might actually join the forum.... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2007-06-08

DMCMS 0.6.4 BETA Released

I would like to say a big sorry to all of those who have patiently been waiting for the version 0.6.4 release. I would also like to apologise for the site navigation being down for so long. A recent work project meant that I had no time to spend on updating the project and fixing the broken site. A half cooked upgrade to the site unfortunately meant that the database did not update correctly, which in turn broke the navigation menus. This has now been rectified, as can be seen.... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2007-05-17

DMCMS Version 0.6.3.beta now released!!

DMCMS version 0.6.3.beta is now available for download.

This version address a few minor bugs relating to the database restore function and the save link function.

Several new features have been added, these are as follows.

Improved error proofing for the automated database update function. Database updates will now automatically cascade from the current DMCMS version to the latest version allowing for easier upgrades from older versions. ... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2007-02-27

DMCMS 0.6.2 BETA Now Available

DMCMS is a Content Management System based on PHP and MySQL. DMCMS uses a web based administration interface to allow you to create and manage your website via your favourite browser. Multiple languages, media libraries, RSS news feeds and ease of use come as standard.

DMCMS layout and style is set by a template system, making it easy to reconfigure to suit your needs.

DMCMS version 0.6.2.Beta is now available for download from A demonstration version is also available via the project home page for those of you who would like to take it for a test drive. ... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2007-02-24

DMCMS Problem

For those of you who have tried to download the file you will have noticed that the zip file appears to be corrupt and will not let you unzip the contents. I have tried re-submitting the file but the same thing happened when I tried a test download. I've even tried some different file compression programs but still the same thing happened. :(

My solution, for the time being is to use a different format. dmcms.0.6.1.beta.rar is now available for download. If you do not have decompression software capable of unpacking a '.rar' file I reccomend 'WinRar'. You can also try 'PowerZip' which incidently will also unpack 'tar.gz' files as well.... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2007-02-15

DMCMS 0.6.1 Beta Now Available

DMCMS is a Content Management System based on PHP and MySQL. DMCMS uses a web based administration interface to allow you to create and manage your website via your favourite browser. Multiple languages, media libraries, RSS news feeds and ease of use come as standard.

DMCMS layout and style is set by a template system, making it easy to reconfigure to suit your needs.

DMCMS version 0.6.1.Beta is now available for download from A demonstration version is also available via the project home page for those of you who would like to take it for a test drive.... read more

Posted by DeeEmm 2007-02-14

DMCMS 0.6.0.Beta Now Available

DMCMS is a Content Management System based on PHP and MySQL. DMCMS uses a web based administration interface to allow you to create and manage your website via your favourite browser. Multiple languages, media libraries, RSS news feeds and ease of use come as standard.

DMCMS layout and style is set by a template system, making it easy to reconfigure to suit your needs.

DMCMS version 0.6.0.Beta is now available for download from A demonstration version is also available via the project home page for those of you who would like to take it for a test drive.

Posted by DeeEmm 2007-02-13