
Development has ceased

I'm affraid I have to announce that the development of this project has ceased officially.

As you all could guess from the project history and statistics, active development already stopped long ago, mainly because I could never obtain a DM-272 device that could use for testing any code.

It seems that I failed to raise enough interest from the parties I thought would like to support the project to provide at least some of the raw materials it required.

I must admit, also, that I neglected at looking to other sources from which I could obtain some support for the project.

I managed the project badly, and now I've decided to shut it down so it no longer lenghtens the list of abandoned projects whose admins not even cared to mark them as such.

My apologies to the public. Perhaps someone else could be able to take it somewhere, if it's worth it.

Posted by Paulo Sequeira Gutiérrez 2007-01-16

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