i'm the third contribution to the dlip project..
my name is sebastian and i'm 22 years old.. i have a big interest in computers and software development.. my first computer was an amiga 500 back in the good old days =)
i have just finished a 3 year computer degree at kth in sweden.. i can program c++, java, jsp, php, vb, and some other minor languages.. this spring i migrated from windows to linux after several years of sporadic linux use..

one of the big disadvantages with linux is the problematic install-dependencies-uninstall business, and this project i felt directly by heart was something i had to participate in..
i hope to be able to contribute with some grunt-programming but since i have some experience with gui and qt i will make a lot of gui-stuff for the project..

well, that's it.. if you too are interested in joining up, please feel free contact someone of us..