
Mailing Lists

  • dlese-adn-item: Subscribe | Archive | Search — Receives notifications about changes to the ADN item-level metadata framework
  • dlese-annotation: Subscribe | Archive | Search — Tracks development of the DLESE annotation metadata framework
  • dlese-dds-project: Subscribe | Archive | Search — Recieves notifications of changes to the dds-project in the cvs repository
  • dlese-logs-project: Subscribe | Archive | Search — A list for notifications about changes to the logs-project in the cvs tree
  • dlese-metadata-ui-project: Subscribe | Archive | Search — Provides information on the metadata-ui-project.
  • dlese-metadatacvs: Subscribe | Archive | Search — Recieves notifications of changes to the metadata dir in the cvs repository
  • dlese-news-op-prj: Subscribe | Archive | Search — Recieves notification of changes made to the news-opps-project in CVS
  • dlese-oai-project: Subscribe | Archive | Search — Recieves notifications of changes to the oai-project in the cvs repository
  • dlese-register-pro: Subscribe | Archive | Search — Receives commit messages for register-project
  • dlese-shared-proj: Subscribe | Archive | Search — List for changes made to the dlese-shared-project in CVS
  • dlese-tools-proj: Subscribe | Archive | Search — Recieves notifications of changes to the tools-project in the cvs repository
  • dlese-vocab-projec: Subscribe | Archive | Search — Recieves notifications of changes to the vocab-project in the cvs repository
  • dlese-web-view: Subscribe | Archive | Search — Recieves log notes for the web-view CVS project