
Vista and Djvused

  • George Pistikos

    George Pistikos - 2008-08-28

    Djvused seams not working under windows vista.
    I think the program tries to create a temporary file somewhere which can't not be done under vista.

    command :
    djvused c:\djvufiles\temp.djvu -e size

    Error message

    *** [1-11711] Failed to open 's3t0.': Invalid argument.
    *** (..\..\..\libdjvu\ByteStream.cpp:695)

    "s3t0" is the randomly created file name of the temporary file.

    The same program works on windows xp fine.

    Does anybody has a solution ?


    George Pistikos

    • Leon Bottou

      Leon Bottou - 2008-09-28

      I now understand the problem.
      Djvused creates a temp file when processing a single-page djvu file
      and it uses the standard ansi function tmpnam().
      Alas under Windows this function suggest a name in C:\ and they did not change it for Vista.

      I changed the current CVS version to create the temp file
      in the current directory under Windows.
      That works better but is far from perfect.
      Another problem is that the deletion of the temp file
      often does not work because windows believes
      that the file is in use. I am really not happy with windows right now.

      A workaround would be to waste memory. I'll try that...

    • Leon Bottou

      Leon Bottou - 2008-09-28

      Works now.
      The fix is in CVS.
      I will hopefully generate a new version of the
      windows binaries by the end of october.
      - L

      • George Pistikos

        George Pistikos - 2008-09-28

        under linux the temp files are created in the tmp directory
        and also often not deleted afterwords

        • Leon Bottou

          Leon Bottou - 2008-09-28

          Temp files remain when you interrupt djvused with ctrl+c.
          Anyway the new version does it all in memory...
          - L.

    • Leon Bottou

      Leon Bottou - 2008-08-28

      In principle, command djvused -e size should
      not create a temporary file, so this is very bizarre.
      Please try the newly released
      version (djvulibre-3.5.21+djview-4.4)
      on sourceforge.

      - L.

    • George Pistikos

      George Pistikos - 2008-08-28

      I do use the last version of Djvulibre

      I believe that djvused creates temporary files.

      In windows xp they are placed in the c:\ root directory
      in linux the files are in /tmp directory and their names follow filexxxxxx pattern
      with x a random ASCII character

      Perhaps I 'm doing something wrong ?



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