
Resuming a calibration/profile creation after error

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-06-01


    OS X Mavericks 10.9.3, ArgyllCMS 1.6.3, DispcalGUI (non-Zero Install version), DTP-94

    I'm encountering a problem with ArgyllCMS 1.6.3, where it will frequently fail to connect to my DTP-94 with a variety of errors, though most commonly "Instrument Access Failed".  If I keep re-trying the same command, eventually it will recognise the device, and I can proceed.

    Unfortunately, this error is also reflected in DispcalGUI use.  I was in the middle of a calibrate+profile operation, and suddenly I received this error.  This was after 90minutes of progress.

    I looked at the logs, and I'm confident the problem occurred simply because dispcalGUI completed the "dispcal" command and started the "dispread" command, which caused the trigger of the "Instrument Access Failed" in ArgyllCMS.

    I checked, and I have the .cal file created by dispcal, because that process finished completely before the error was raised.  What I need to know is, how do I continue the calibration+profile process in dispcalGUI using the existing information, without having to start right from the beginning?

    For completeness, here is the command dispcalGUI was attempting to run when the error arose:

    "Command line:
         "Apple Color LCD Rec. 1886 S"
         "Apple Color LCD Rec. 1886 S 1xCurve+MTX"

    dispcalGUI: Starting interaction with subprocess
     Number of patches = 57
     Setting up the instrument
     dispread: Error - new_disprd failed with 'Instrument Access Failed'

    dispcalGUI: Reached EOF (OK)
     dispcalGUI: Checking subprocess status
    2014-06-01 02:26:46,948 dispcalGUI: Subprocess no longer alive (OK)
    2014-06-01 02:26:47,049 ...aborted.
    Profiling has not been finished."

    I hope you can help.

    Thank you.

  • Florian Hoech

    Florian Hoech - 2014-06-01


    this seems to be a problem with Argyll 1.6.3, see a recent mailing list reply by Graeme.
    You may want to downgrade temporarily to an earlier version until an update is available, e.g. 1.5.1 or 1.4 (not sure which will work better).

    To continue where you left off due to the failure, you should see the .cal file under "Settings". You can then just click "Profile only" and it should offer to use the existing calibration.


    Last edit: Florian Hoech 2014-06-01
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-06-02

    That did the trick, thanks!