
Discontinuity has been registered

I started writing discontinuity, a program to help create animations in POV-Ray, a while ago, and I never finished it. So I decided to submit it to Sourceforge where other open source developers can work on it. I need to clean up the code a bit, create a web site, etc., but it shouldn't take me too long to do that.

POV-Ray, a raytracer which can create stunning, photo-realistic images, does have some support for creating animations, but its quite difficult to create anything more than a simple spinning object. Discontinuity provides a graphical interface to design an animation with keyframes and variable substitution to help generate the code necessary to animate a POV-Ray scene.

I never finished the program, but it is quite far along in development, so it shouldn't be too long before it can reach an alpha stage. Stay tuned for a powerful, easy-to-use tool to make POV-Ray animations.

Posted by Shalom Naumann 2004-01-06

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